If only there was some way to provide additional context in a way that might clarify the issue. Damn you God for insisting all of our interactions take the form of scripted hypotheticals, constructed by randoms on the Internet! I want to ask my wife where she's put the iron but everytime I open my mouth I ask if she would go back in time and kill Hitler as a baby!
Here's the second part of the conversation that must happen.
"Who gave birth to me?"
"I did, son."
"But dad, only women can give birth?"
"No son, a man with a womb can also give birth.
Sometimes a mother uses her woman's a penis and makes the father pregnant, then nine months later the father gives birth.
Hope that clears it up for you, son."
hahahahah along with a whole load of other regressive thinkers
It's a mental illness for sure.
There is also a mental illness where people think there is something wrong with one (or more) of their limbs, and try to remove them. Doctors have even performed removal of perfectly healthy limbs because otherwise the patient would hack them off instead.
If that's a legit mental illness then believing your were born "in the wrong body" is a very, very similar thing.
Now, since we're throwing insults around, I'm happy to say the people who go along with this crap are sharing in said mental illness.
It's not "progressive", it's lunacy.