Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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DPR/LPR is somewhat like southern Ireland getting backing from the USA, having troops and equipment from the USA and then doing all the recruiting. Then claiming it's civil war.

Where did it happen in Ukraine? In places with high percentages of RUSSIANS. Where they had historically displaced the regions natives.
I didn't claim that. The US backed a pro EU government in Ukraine in 2010, they then supported the Ukraine military in fighting Russian backed separatists in Eastern Ukraine since 2014. These events lead to the invasion of Ukraine by Russia in 2022. I don't think the US wanted or expected that to happen, the invasion by Russia is obviously illegal and wrong, but we crossed enough red lines simply expecting it wouldn't happen. Now it's probable that Ukraine will simply never regain the territory it has lost and tens of thousands of people are dead.
There's always a big BUT isn't there.

Backed ? with what ? what was the red lines ?

generally positive statements to Ukrainians having free and fair elections and the ability to oust a corrupt puppet of Russia as their leader ?

Yes how dare they, the ungrateful hohols and is totally a justified red line to murder and rape the country. it's their own fault really.
And there it is. No longer a participant in the iCC, South Africa can flout international law at her leisure.

I think these options are all plausible. It's very hard to know what's happening right now.
Using cheap homemade drones is an excellent way of using up Russian missiles, defensive or not they will run out eventually.

Also one or two will get through, they should just keep targeting the kremlin and other government infrastructure to remind them this war can be brought home to them.

Hmm I quoted the wrong post....
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I disagree - It meets Putin's narrative that Russia is under threat from NATO and will justify his cause in UKR and get the Russian people to rally behind him. Attacking the Kremlin is a stupid move if it was by UKR.

On the other hand if it was by Russian partisans then fair enough let the revolution commence.
I disagree - It meets Putin's narrative that Russia is under threat from NATO and will justify his cause in UKR and get the Russian people to rally behind him. Attacking the Kremlin is a stupid move if it was by UKR.

On the other hand if it was by Russian partisans then fair enough let the revolution commence.

It doesn’t make sense for Ukraine or Russia to do it tbh. Russian partisans make far more sense.
The drones appear to be the uj-22, a Ukrainian made drone.

Does anyone know if the UJ-22's are 'push' props (and fly tail first)?
Images don't particularly scream they are, rather conventional 'tractor', but that is what it seems from a lot of the Moscow attack videos; unless the videos have been reversed :confused:

Edit - I should have read the replies, it seems they are VTOL REX 340's rather than UJ-22's, which would make more sense -

Edit 2 - Seems they're actually a variation of a Ukrainian canard drone called the 'beaver' that is a 'pusher'.
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I wonder what happened to the Chechen TikTok brigade. Haven't heard from them in months.
They came in all bravado, tiktok army with videos showing their unstoppable strength, then the first 300 were ambushed at the start of the 3 day war on their way to take out Zelenski and his cabinet, they had a deck of cards with their targets name on them at the start of the war. They were killed and wounded, not sure if or how many got away

It all went down hill for them after that, their losses were eventually the reason they left. Their was Tiktok videos of them early on where they were in long convoys of armour near Hostomel where the Ukrainians ambushed and destroyed them, their losses were huge.

That moron kadyrov then apparently was so scared of losing anymore so left Ukraine, leaving a token few in country. Not sure if any are still there fighting for Russia

Apparently they say that if he lost many more then he wouldn't have enough to fight his enemies back home where a civil war is always about to start.

Theirs also around 200 Chechen volunteers actually fighting for Ukraine in country right now
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The US backed a pro EU government in Ukraine in 2010
The US backed a DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED pro EU government in Ukraine in 2010 - It should also be pointed out for those who are unaware, this was the government of Viktor Yanukovych who was elected on a pro-EU platform before refusing to ratify the agreements he helped negotiate resulting in the protests and his eventual removal in 2014).

they then supported the Ukraine military in fighting Russian backed separatists in Eastern Ukraine since 2014.
They then, at the request of the democratically elected Ukrainian government, supported the Ukraine military in fighting Russian backed separatists in Eastern Ukraine since 2014 - It should be noted that once loyalist forces started responding the genuine Ukrainian separatists were getting crushed before Russia started sending in equipment/weapons and fake Ukrainians to bolster them. In reality the civil war lasted a month at best before it morphed into an unofficial lowkey invasion.

If Russia hadn't backed the separatists then the civil war would have been done before summer 2014 was over, Ukraine would be coming up on a decade of peace and unity, and Malaysian Airlines would have a much higher stock value.

On an interesting note, in retrospect it was something of a red flag regarding Russia's military competence that the genuine separatists were operating their captured Ukrainian Buks competently, identifying and hitting only hitting military aircraft, yet a bunch of imported Russian "separatists" were responsible for misidentifying and downing a civilian airliner. It's not like the genuine separatists were that good so it should have been a warning to how bad the Russians were.

These events lead to the invasion of Ukraine by Russia in 2022.
That's like saying that if a thief gets mad that the police keep catching him and he shoots up the police station it's technically the polices fault as he wouldn't have done it if they didn't keep upholding the law. The fact others tried to stand up to Russia's criminality doesn't make them in any way culpable when Russia's criminality goes Reich.
Putin says Ukraine drones targets civiians ffs . Parody governent goes weird and types all sorts of *****.
Absolute joke of a leader. Complains about attacking Russian civilians and at the same time fails to recall when his army fired a KH-22 missile (a missile designed to sink US aircraft carriers!!) into an apartment block in Dnipro back in January.

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I believe I can explain.

Apparently NATO started this war by provoking Russia to attack Ukraine(?) so that Ukraine would want to join NATO(??) which she cannot do while at war with Russia(???)

But now that Ukraine is losing, she needs to drag NATO into the war they've been a part of all along because they started it(????) so she can survive long enough to join NATO(?????) which she cannot do because she is fighting Russia(??????)

It's brilliant!

:D :p

I heard the other day and wondered if there may be a way to join NATO.
As pointed out, West Germany joined when East Germany was behind the iron curtain.

So maybe West Ukraine can join and they can unify East Ukraine in when they finally smash the Ruskies.
Absolute joke of a leader. Complains about attacking Russian civilians and at the same time fails to recall when his army fired a KH-22 missile (a missile designed to sink US aircraft carriers!!) into an apartment block in Dnipro back in January.

I suspect it's a false flag to erode support in the US which was already twitchy about the potential of Ukraine attacking Russia
I suspect it's a false flag to erode support in the US which was already twitchy about the potential of Ukraine attacking Russia

An interesting possibility.

Loosely connected to that I see Ukraine is clamping down on people streaming generally or publishing video footage pertaining to strikes due to security issues like Russia being able to use live streams for correcting missile/drone strikes in real time. IMO a bit of a double edged sword as being able to see some of what Ukraine is dealing with in real time generates a huge amount of sympathy which even stuff published after the fact doesn't generate the same for some reason - probably kind of linked to the way watching a football match after the fact never feels quite the same as watching it live even when you don't know the outcome.
I disagree - It meets Putin's narrative that Russia is under threat from NATO and will justify his cause in UKR and get the Russian people to rally behind him. Attacking the Kremlin is a stupid move if it was by UKR.

On the other hand if it was by Russian partisans then fair enough let the revolution commence.
So what if they rally? They're not doing anything to stop this war anyway. Even a fully mobilized Russia is no threat to a NATO backed Ukraine.
So what if they rally? They're not doing anything to stop this war anyway. Even a fully mobilized Russia is no threat to a NATO backed Ukraine.

A fully mobilised Russia would result in a far bigger scale and protracted war - but they've been incredibly slow to grow into the war and lost a lot of momentum in that respect - they've probably lost enough ground they'd be sabotaging their own efforts to build up capabilities with the requirements of having to hold the line in the mean time.

A fully mobilised Russia can still raise manpower of around 20-30 million soldiers and around the same again as able bodied workers and probably double that in terms of people who can put some useful effort towards the war. Given time and without Ukraine having the tools to disrupt it they can implement the industry top to bottom to produce tanks and aircraft, etc. even if the products would be more akin to 70s and 80s hardware than modern equipment - but that will take time and they've already lost a chunk of that where they weren't up against the clock.

EDIT: They also do manage to get some supply of advanced electronics in despite sanctions, though it would limit the scale of production they could probably produce a moderate amount of advanced weaponry still.
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