So when are you going to post those many reasons?
From that lot in your pic:
FarCry 4: On PC.
GTA V: Getting on PC next month.
CoD: It's CoD, no interest at all.
Destiny: No interest, checked it out and it has its flaws.
FIFA: Football game, no interest at all.
Mordor: On PC.
Black Flag: On PC, not "that" great anyway.
Wolfenstein: On PC.
BF4: On PC, shaky start on release, better now but it's no touch on previous BFs.
Last of Us: Already completed along with DLC on PS3.
Watch Dogs: On PC, bugged/rubbish game.
Only games like Last of Us, Uncharted etc make buying the console worth it for me. By the time those class of games are out the console is much cheaper too so I win on all accounts with that reasoning.