Warhammer 40k book recommendations

Read Eisenhorn before I started on the Guants Ghosts ominbus'

Seem to be taking forwever to finish Ravenor. Not that I don't like it just too knackered to read in bed for very long :)

HH Spoiler-ish type question.

I've read up to "A Thousand Sons" of the HH books - from the blurb of the latest books, has the dropsite massacre been overlooked? I would think that should really be one book in its own right.

Without wishing to spoil, just keep reading! ;) From little scenes described in earlier books I dare say there will be more to come. I think most of the Legions will get a book, and those involved in said altercation will no doubt have their side of the story told. (oops, beaten :o)

I've just started reading Book 8, 'Battle for the Abyss', and I must say I'm finding it the hardest two get in to.

The first seven I shot through, and loved, so hopefully this one will pick up.

Just bought 'Dead Men Walking', the first book I purchased as a download from BL, and it seems fairly good, and the download service was great.


I just couldn't get in to Battle of the Abyss either. I may try it again at some point. Currently, I'm up to date with the series, but re reading Flight of the Eisenstien.
So many to choose from. Anything by Dan Abnett for a start. The Cain series are also stand out highlights.

For ONE book I'd go with the Eisenhorn Omnibus. I've got so many 40K books it's hard to pick one or two to choose.
Just recently finished Prospero Burns and that along with Battle for the Abyss were the two hardest books to get through but worth doing so in the end.

I've got on my bookshelf (40k wise at least) still to read:-

Ravenor Omnibus (half way thru)
Blood Angels Omnibus
Space Wolves Omnibus 1

What can I say I'm a sucker for the omnibus!

Also just finishing reading Courage & Honour by Graham McNeil - the 5th book in the Ultramarines series and it was epic.
So far i've read most of the Gaunts Ghosts books:

The Founding
The Saint
The Lost

All of the above I found to be great reads (if you like lots of guns n dead stuff :) )

Just ordered Eisenhorn this morning.

Sooooo many books to read in the 40k universe, should keep me busy for a while :D
The Ultramarines series is also worth a mention as it follwos the aforementioned chapter
- Uriel Ventris & second company in particular - and describes a lot of major events that the chapter are involved in. The Last book - The Chapter's Due - is quite epic as Marneus Calgar and other notable characters are featured quite heavily.

Anyone who reads the Ultramarine books should also read Storm of Iron as a background to the Warsmith Honsou. The book itself is a great read from the Chaos point of view, plus it's the Iron Warriors doing what they do best.
Well only 200 pages left till Fulgrim. Im really enjoying and i think its my favourite book so far. Ive ordered the next book Descent Of Angels, going by the description it sounds quite interesting and is about a different space marine chapter.
Anyway it should come next week, by then ill have finished Fulgrim, cant wait.
IIRC I really liked Fulgrim too. Has the best gruesome scenes I think.

I'd also recommend Storm Of Iron. Really like Honsou as a character - the odd witty comment from a chaos warlord makes it even more amusing.

Just finishing Ravenor - taken ages for some reason. I bought all 3 Gaunt omnibus and Ravenor in September last year and its taken all this time to finish them (with Metro 2033 in the middle somewhere)
black library, don't release them to Amazon. You can get them off their website and in mobi formate i think, I've not done it as the price is not very completive tho am thinking about it.
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