Warhammer: Vermintide 2

I think it's priced perfectly, it's a game to jump into for a quick blast.

The closed test was supposed to end yesterday but i've been playing it a fair bit today, maybe they will just leave it up and update it later.

Exactly the type of game I prefer now look forward to jumping on in a bit and I’m snowed in perfect excuse lol
I never got around to playing the first one but i've put 3 hours into this beta and loved it! roll on more snow so I can skive the rest of the week lol
I've been playing the beta for the last few days with a couple of friends and my brother (resulting in comments about the chuckle brothers when we mess up:)), and I'm really enjoying it despite being quite bad :)

I've just bought it in readiness for release and the early access thing that is meant to be starting tonigh

Now I've just got to remember that my Brightwizard needs to let off steam from time to time...
Been holding off playing too much, didn't want to waste time leveling up and getting loot to only lose it (I know I still might).

Been looking forward to playing this all day, especially with the travel chaos. Downloaded it, fired it up, and I get a Backend Error!
Yarp i looks like it unfortunately.

At the moment there appears to be a backend issue with the game not allowing people in.
Annoyingly I downloaded the test server earlier thinking that was the early release lol. I am now downloading the full game but may not be on tonight due to potato internet
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