Warhammer: Vermintide 2

I'm really enjoying this, I've been playing the flame wizard and I think I'm finally getting the hang of her especially since I swapped to a beam staff and the pyromancer route.
I was finding that my bolt staff was too ineffective (slow moving projectile meant my team mates were getting all the distance kills), and the flamethrower type staff was too close range, instead I'm using the beam as a mid distance sniper and flamethrower type weapon so I can start firing up the mobs before my team get into close combat then cool down a little whilst waving my bright red sword around.:)

We've done a few runs now where we've got one of the tomes and two grimoires.

That's what I used in the first game. If the mechanics are the same then you can also self destruct in a crowd of bad guys to clear a few. Though someone is gonna need to pick you up after! Also you used to be able to cooldown by holding R, but if it's past a certain point, halfway IIRC, you'd take damage.
How many different missions are there in total? Seems decent so far from what I tried in the beta. The health system and downing seems a little odd though. The only dislike I have so far is the fish eye effect when increasing fov. At anything like 100 it's terrible. Having to play at 75 up from the default 65 for this reason.
No idea, but in the different stages of the beta i've seen 6 I think, enjoyed all of them but not found all the tomes/grims yet on all the levels so still a fair bit of searching to do.

The FOV is odd but I don't find the lower fov that restrictive personally.

What do you find odd about the health/downing system? I think it works well.

3 knocks for death, books reset this, hold block while reviving to not get interupted
How many different missions are there in total? Seems decent so far from what I tried in the beta. The health system and downing seems a little odd though. The only dislike I have so far is the fish eye effect when increasing fov. At anything like 100 it's terrible. Having to play at 75 up from the default 65 for this reason.

13 I believe, same as the first one pre-DLC
I've not managed as much time as I would have liked in the new maps since it went live (spent most of yesterday sat at the hospital as my dad had an op), but I'm really enjoying the game and the maps.

No map (so far) has struck me as too bad, even when playing them for the first time on veteran, although it probably helps I'm using a level 20 pyro and playing with 2-3 friends using out of game voice comms and we tend to work fairly well as a group.

I'm loving my the beam staff, especially paired up with some jewellery that gives things like a 25% chance not to consume a potion on use, or 25% chance not to consume medical supplies on use* as it makes my little flaming haired wizard into quite a good sniper/support character, I'm especially looking forward to the perk that drops my overheat when I use the special skill (our elf player also has an item that means if they use a medical pack on someone it heals their character as well).

Items with curse resistance are good is you're doing grimoire runs, as they reduce how much it affects your health when they're picked up.

*I had a run earlier where I used the same healing pack about 4 times on team mates.
Liking it, but not sure on longevity. It could be amazing however with more in depth character builds and stats with some randomisation in the levels, a bit like d3.
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