Warhammer: Vermintide 2

Only managed to get 1 mission done tonight, but the group knew all the tome/grim locations.
Got to lvl 3 in 1 game. :D

Been nice playing Bardin and his 2h Hammer again, such a meaty feel to it.
Up to level 4, great game to pick up and release some steam. Enjoying how the characters speak to each other very funny, another purchase worth the cash.
One thing I did notice is the difficulty even on recruit seemed to have been upped from closed beta, discussed it with the randoms I was playing with and they agreed. One of the new levels absolutely beasted us.
yes you can, on mission select choose custom game then tick host game + private game - you still get the 2 AI with you and anyone from your friends list can join.
it certainly seems harder than the earlier closed beta - a couple times we had a wave + ogre + assassin + wizard - get slaughtered quickly. I know we're back to starter gear, but it certainly seems tougher. Also, there's been a good couple bugs - the new map with the barrel-fetching - we got to a square (just before the barrels) and suddenly about 10-15 enemies appeared around us, literally spawned between us all from thin air. Also we've had a wave of rats climbing through solid walls...
I've been playing with my usual bunch of numpties (I'm the worst by far:p) and we're all finding the current version of the game feels a lot harder than the previous beta, things like 3 lots of stormvermin, a gas ratogre thingy and an assassin virtually one after the other, we've had several games with the ratogre thing, then a few seconds later stormvermin a horde and an assassin all at once (or the assassin, a mage and stormvermin during a horde).
Only just spotted this on the new Rat Ogre.


Master Blaster!
just got a nasty bug - on the 3rd? map (the one with the spores to shoot at the end), when you get the 2nd grim, be careful in that cave. There seems to be a spot to the left of the entrance (looking into the cave) by some broken wood? that traps the character. It happened to a mate, to I went in to see if I could somehow nudge him free, only to have both of us trapped immobile. Was a massive pain...
Unlocked the Ironbreaker spec on Bardin and god damn it makes him tough.
Seems like they nerfed my favourite weapon from no.1. You can not longer spam the shield attack on shield/axe combo, which is fair tbh, since it had great aoe and single target dmg.
But talking of nerfs, I can't believe how powerful the drakegun is! No idea how it holds up on higher difficulties but it annihilates hordes!
New patch notes.

ADDED: 'Warcamp' mission
ADDED: 'Prologue' mission
Fix for flamethowers always using full charge for fire time
Fix for some cases of being invincible due to health mismatch between host and client
Fixed controller cursor positioning error
Fixed crash caused when a player jumps off a cliff in the inn while the local player is exiting the game
Fixed curse resistance property not working as intended
Fixed 'protection vs' properties having the wrong values
Fixed Troll health sync crash
Fixed various crashes
Further horde music fixes
Huntsman active ability raw damage multiplier set to 1.5 for the duration of the ability (instead of 5)
Increased the chances of getting weapon and jewellery parts from salvaging items
Reduced Cooldown Reduction property range from 5-20% to 5-10%
Sienna now takes less damage from venting (more in line with her health pool)

The prologue mission starts up automatically when you launch the game, some people have been having problems because of custom keybindings, which you need to delete. Location is here

Custom Keybinds can halt the tutorial/prologue (reset these by deleting “save_data.sav” in ‘C:\Users\YOURNAME\AppData\Roaming\Fatshark\Vermintide 2’)
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I'm really enjoying this, I've been playing the flame wizard and I think I'm finally getting the hang of her especially since I swapped to a beam staff and the pyromancer route.
I was finding that my bolt staff was too ineffective (slow moving projectile meant my team mates were getting all the distance kills), and the flamethrower type staff was too close range, instead I'm using the beam as a mid distance sniper and flamethrower type weapon so I can start firing up the mobs before my team get into close combat then cool down a little whilst waving my bright red sword around.:)

We've done a few runs now where we've got one of the tomes and two grimoires.
Been playing this the last couple of days and absolutely loving it. The melee combat feels and looks really meaty and the maps are beautiful. The main downside is it's a hard skill based game and can be brutally cruel at times.
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