Watch Dogs - Ubisoft's Third Person Shooter

Its pretty much sorted for ati without any mod, should be for nvidia too.

'Fix' for 670sli = disable sli. It don't work properly.

I'll try disabling it. Funnily enough my work colleague has two 660's and is saying it runs pretty great.... :o

It's rather shambolic that Nvidia endorsed this game. There should be minimum standards for gameworks games.

Like working SLI, working physx etc.... not endorse the game and it turns out broken. Becuase then thats just falls advertising.
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I fired this up again today as I had been reading up about Worsemod(and I have nothing else to play!). It looks and runs great, though I never had a problem anyway tbh.

The game though...Even though it is my second time playing it, I still have no idea what is going on. Characters say things in cutscenes that don't really make sense, which leads to a mission that has no relation to what is happening. It is just a load of unconnected missions and setpieces strung together. I just did a mission to go to a boatyard. i think to look for the sister. She wasn't there but I overheard the guy and it was clear he knew nothing...the game then tells me that my objective is to chase after this guy for some reason, then I do and kill him:confused:...You don't even interrogate him or anything. It is so poorly put together.

It is really incredible what they have done with this game. In typical Ubisoft fashion, they have created an incredible, living, breathing world, they have filled it with many, many things to do, but each is just boring and very little fun. There is a distinct lack of humour.
AA doesn't make much of a difference. Temporal SMAA should be fine.

Stutter with high textures has been fixed now, so if you are still getting it then your settings are set too high.

I found this to be quite helpful -!bxSLrs


My 7990 has 3GB of memory per core, but I have managed to squeeze high textures and ultra quality out of it, but have left AA to temporal SMAA. Just have a play around with the settings, but they are probably too high.

Regarding this Im a little confused:

2GB of Video Memory
1920x1080 Resolution
High Textures
Medium Detail Settings
Temporal SMAA

The medium Detail settings bit.

There are two diffeent setting here.

Overall quality and Level of detail. Which should be set to medium?
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Regarding this Im a little confused:

2GB of Video Memory
1920x1080 Resolution
High Textures
Medium Detail Settings
Temporal SMAA

The medium Detail settings bit.

There are two diffeent setting here.

Overall quality and Level of detail. Which should be set to medium?

Not really sure and I can seem to set it higher anyway...but perhaps just try both and see what works for you?
Quick question about teh side there a way to rest them?

Have got 15/17 of the QR Codes and can't see the last two any where on my map and also the 'Bodeis in Sheets' (can't remember real name for it) mission I have done all the finds, yet it has not given me the end mission.

Bit frustrating and hoping this does not happen again after the Human Trafficking missions......
missing bodies info is here

you should have got a phone call after finding the 6th body. try going to pawnee trailer park where the bonus mission is supposed to be.

QR code info here

Ive just got the drinking games to do (so frustrating.....) and i should 100% it. It's been fun, tbh. Side missions are a lot more interesting than I thought, lots of extra content in there.
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What's the latest performance for AMD cards given any recent game patches and AMD drivers?

I've read somewhere that the 14.7 beta drivers offer some performance improvements, has anyone tested these?
T-bone missions out end of the month :-

10 new missions
- A new online coop mode
- New locations
- New weapons
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I'm enjoying this game quite a lot. Excellent graphics (using the mod), decent gameplay and a reasonable story. The only problem is the incredibly low volume the game runs at. Have to turn my speakers up to twice the normal levels.

Well worth the £8 ish price.
Watch_Dogs - New PC Update Oct 27

Ubisoft has just released a new update for the PC version of Watch_Dogs. According to the changelog, this patch improves performance on more recent models of cards.
Watch_Dogs just released a PC patch that includes the following fixes and improvements:

- Better performance on more recent models of cards - 770 onwards will see better improvements.
- Moved all resource creation to an exclusive worker thread.
- Changed technique used for updating texture mipmaps in Ultra textures mode.

Also, Nvidia users, don't forget to download their most recent driver
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