What Audiobooks are you listening to ?

I have the three body problem series I need to start. I thought the show was garbage the books however are supposed to be excellent.
I tried that book, reviews seemed good but I just couldn't get on with it at all. Might go back to it but it really wasn't drawing me in.
I really enjoyed The Three Body Problem audiobooks. I actually liked the series as well, with the bonus of the excellent Errol, sorry Benedict Wong, playing my favourite character from the books.
I finished
The Human Chronicles Series
pretty good, and long for anyone who just wants something to listen to without worrying about finding more books to try
I think it was 29 books + spin offs, but I think some of the books were really short like 8-16 hours

Adam Cain is an Alien with an Attitude…And why not?

After all, what would you do if you were abducted by aliens and transported into a strange, new universe away from your home, your family–everything familiar to you? Would it make you happy? Not likely!

Now imagine you’re stronger, faster and more coordinated than every alien species you encounter. Would you start kicking some ass? Of course, you would!

This is the story of Human Superiority in the galaxy, a gritty, realistic profile of a young Navy SEAL would doesn’t like aliens very much — and he makes them pay for the bad mood he’s in.

I tried
Old Mans War
First book seemed good but got boring fast after that.
Moved on to

Starship Blackbird and it seems about 7/10 so far, with 5/10 being average
I think I'm on the 3rd book

I really enjoyed The Three Body Problem audiobooks. I actually liked the series as well, with the bonus of the excellent Errol, sorry Benedict Wong, playing my favourite character from the books.
Chinese one is more faithful to the books and about 30eps or something daft like that.

netflix is more theme park taking you ride to ride

the whole series is on youtube . seems they released a shorter version the directors cut

no dub, although the English speaking Characters speak English
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Late joiner to this thread but discovered GA books on Audible last year and haven't looked back. Currently listening to the Desert Spear (book 2 of the Demon Cycle)
Me: Hmm, no idea what a 'GA book' is, I guess I'll google it.


Erm... :cry:
I've noticed this on a couple of audiobooks, can anyone tell me why the Audible version would be 4 hours longer than this version?

(For the record, I own the Audible, but I prefer to listen using SmartPlayer as it's a better player)

Quick listen to a sample of both would make me think its reading speed and also pauses.
The guy doing audible IMO reads slower and also takes much longer pauses between each sentence.
Quick listen to a sample of both would make me think its reading speed and also pauses.
The guy doing audible IMO reads slower and also takes much longer pauses between each sentence.
I feel a little silly for not considering the obvious, thanks.

Yes, I've now examined the last chapter I read of the book and compared to both audiobooks. The one is 6:54 and Audible is 9:23, but the full content is in the quicker version. I normally listen at somewhere between 1.5 and 1.75, but maybe I'll use the quicker version, but maybe not sped up quite as much.

Out of interest, does anyone else use SmartPlayer (I'm on Android, I don't know if there's an iOS version). I particularly like it's smart replay on restart, it's volume boost and adjusted 'time left' when you change speeds.
Jeff is live on Youtube doing the first cold read for the next Dungeon Crawler Carl book, Book 7 - This Inevitable Ruin. And it's now available to pre-order on Audible. ;)

I've noticed this on a couple of audiobooks, can anyone tell me why the Audible version would be 4 hours longer than this version?
Interesting point, I'm up around chapter 89 and all of a sudden the 'quicker' version is out of step with the book (ch89 is ch91 here)... but Audible chapters still match. Having said that, I've just listened for 25 mins on lunch to Audible and a lot of what I listened too, doesn't seem to be next in the book?! I'm really confused now :cry: I've only about 80 pages left, maybe I'll just finish it reading the book! Maybe not, maybe they match it was just less pages than I thought it should be.
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Finished starship blackbird super box.
Kinda easy listening, reminds me a bit of startrek for some reason
has some likeable characters and I kinda like the narrator

moving on to
Queen of the void trilogy
The alliance trilogy
The burning sky trilogy.

all set in the same world as star ship blackbird as far as I'm aware.

Seems someone put the first book on youtube
I guess whoever owns the copyright doesn;t care since it hasn't been taken down and often these book series will have a taster on youtube anyway so...
We're nearing the end of the Atrocity Archives, part the Laundry Files series, took a while to get in to it, but really enjoying the nerdy mixed with occult stuff.
Hmmm, Dungeon Crawler Carl audio books might be right up may alley. Just listen to the sample and the voice of the narrator/read out louder isn't annoying.
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