What did you do to your bike today?

Evotech tail tidy fitted, wired in the new numberplate light, tidied the cables up really well with the built in section for cables. 1 hour to fit. Waiting for a 7x5 number plate too. Excuse the dirt.


New Rizoma clutch and brake levers, these are excellent quality, 10 minutes to fit.


Fitted new horn, fitted new rear indicators, put dinner plate reg back on and adjusted the chain.

The new indicators were fun originally the left had died turns out the wire inside had rusted out. Right was still fine. Fitted new left one all working, fitted new right one and dead no flicker of light and the threaded rod had come out of the rubber in the indicator.

Half an hour later after totally stripping down the new indicator and hammering the rod back in and reassembling the little ****er hooked it back up and magically it's flashing away happy as Larry :rolleyes: anyway after all that it should now pass it's MOT on Saturday.

Don't expect that indicator to last long though, luckily they're only cheap ones so I'll get another set in as a spare.



Sprayed radiator and downpipe grilles red. I haven't yet attached the downpipe grille as it involved fiddling with a near unreachable nut in dying sunlight. It might be overkill anyway, will see...
Evotech tail tidy fitted, wired in the new numberplate light, tidied the cables up really well with the built in section for cables. 1 hour to fit. Waiting for a 7x5 number plate too. Excuse the dirt.


New Rizoma clutch and brake levers, these are excellent quality, 10 minutes to fit.

Looking good.. Just need to lean it over now ... Anyone for chicken dippers >?
MOT done, clean sheet not even a loud exhaust advisory. That makes me a little sad.

On the plus side the guy couldn't believe it had over 41k on the clock
After a couple months of neglect i decided to spend this afternoon giving it a proper clean.
What do people use on the exhaust manifold? I have tried metal polish with wire wool but it has just turned them shiny brown instead of dull brown, i want to get them back silver again.


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