What film did you watch last night?

Hunger Games - 5/10

All I was thinking for 2 and a bit hours was that a far more interesting movie would have been how society became so ****** up that Teenage Murderer Big Brother became an acceptable TV show.

I just didn't buy the premise at all. I don't know if the book explains it better?
A few from past couple of weeks -

The Watch 4/10 - some funny moments, but overall a bit meh.

Sightseers 7/10 - felt it was slightly over-rated, definitely worth a watch though.

Premium Rush 7/10 - Joseph Gordon Levitt as a cycle courier in New York - was expecting bad things....was actually ok

Man of Steel 6.5/10 - First half very good, second half dragged a bit, not enough dialogue and dare I say it too much action.

Hansel & Gretel Witch Hunters 3/10 A bit pants
Magic Mike - 7/10

Strangely enjoyed this homo erotic film :p

Good performances, hot ladies, bit of an abrupt ending though.

I never realised that Channing Tatum is such a good dancer.
The dance routine he does with the millitary jacket and dubstep soundtrack was pretty good. The camera work, choreography and soundtrack were fantastic.

Here's the dance: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tCSPRqtZi2I
I never realised that Channing Tatum is such a good dancer.
The dance routine he does with the millitary jacket and dubstep soundtrack was pretty good. The camera work, choreography and soundtrack were fantastic.

Here's the dance: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tCSPRqtZi2I

Yeah he was pretty good in Step up also.

Apparently he actually used to be a stripper for a little while.
Pacific Rim

Wow what a film, it met my expectations in pretty much every way....it felt epic and massive and immersive.

I cant imagine watching this on a television as I doubt that you would get the sense of scale that the cinema offered.

A hefty 9/10 from me.
'The Wee Man'


Subject matter depicts the Scottish criminal Paul Ferris who coincidentally lives fairly close by, locally. Thought Martin Compston was excellent in it. Some critics panned it for various reasons but having read the reviews and deciding to give it a chance I was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed it.

Monsters U, not bad but not very good. Has nothing on the first film which was brilliant in every way. This was just very formulaic and by the numbers film making and lacked anything unexpected or new. Good fun but could have been much better.

5 or 6 out of 10
Just got back from watching the cornetto trilogy at my local Vue.

The World's End gets a solid 8/10 from me. Some absolute priceless moments in it.
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