What film did you watch last night?

Two days in Paris (on BBC Iplayer)

It was really quite good. It's down as a comedy and there were quite a lot of funny bits but a large chunk of it is a drama about "relationships".

Frost/Nixon - 8/10

I knew a fair bit about the Nixon era of history and I'd seen the Frost interview a long time ago, but this film was a fairly decent watch, builds your frustration then lets it all go right at the end once Frost manages to break him down to "apologise".
The other half had Real Women Have Curves on last night


It was awful. Not actually sure if there was much of a plot. Appeared to be a lot of teenage stropping/family issues, then they all got undressed while at work, and all of a sudden everything got better. Perhaps I should have paid more attention to it and it would have been better? Anyway, 1/10, at best.
Oh yeah, I forgot, we saw Monsters University over the weekend. Not nearly as good as the first. Overcomplicated and badly paced. It felt like a lot of the jokes were based on callbacks to the first film, which fits in with the apparent lack of ideas.
Bourne Legacy: wasn't expecting to make it to the end, from what I'd heard, and it's not in the same league as any of the first three (especially the first) but I was entertained enough to keep watching. 7/10

Tried watching Ted the other day, because I couldn't sleep. It put me to sleep... 9/10 for boredom. ;-)
Danny Boyles's latest film Trance and yet another masterpiece, had no idea what to expect going in but i was hooked from the get go.

I appear to be in the minority here but I don't think it's anywhere near as good as people are making out.

It's by no means a bad film though.

I was waiting for the super clever ending but in the end it just wasn't (in my opinion).

I'd give it 6/10.
No Country For Old Men (I knew nothing about this movie, other than it was on my "list" due to it being Coen Bros)


The first 1.5 hours I'm sitting there thinking "this is one of the best damn movies I have EVER seen". It's been a long time since I've genuinely been on the edge of my seat for such long periods. I can't remember ever being so intrigued by characters after only a few minutes of viewing. It was all astonishingly good.

Then it got to the last 20-30 mins. Oh dear, oh dear. Firstly, I don't care if that's how the novel ended things. Secondly, I absolutely recognize the message so it wasn't that I simply didn't "get it". Thirdly, you can have a thought-provoking film with a message (or two) and still make it a satisfying yarn from start to finish.

In the end I had felt like I had been to a fine restaurant with the best appetizers, main course and wine I had ever experienced.......then for dessert the chef came out, jumped on the table, pulled his trousers down, and took a large dump in my bowl, before vanishing out the door. :mad:
I watched Black Swan last night/this morning whilst trying to do some tidying up (trying to, I ended up watching the film more than I expected).

I think it was very nicely done with the line between reality and what was in her mind never quite being clear.

Not sure what rating I'd give it though.
Bourne Legacy - 6/10

I was aware that this film didn't get favourable reviews so I had low expectations. Maybe in part due to that I thought the film was ok, not great.

It started slow, never really built up into anything big or great, and had fight scenes that weren't just as cool as the previous Bourne films.

Actually now that I'm writing this, I realise it wasn't that good.
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