What film did you watch last night?


I felt it was a promising start, a decent middle..and then it kind of went all downhill for me. IMO the film was around 30mins too long and just never felt like it really kicked on and became the sort of sci-fi it could have been. Cruise was pretty good in it and good to see Jamie Lannister popping up yet again (I seem to be seeing him all over the place now since Game of Thrones)

Overall I would say not a hit, but not a miss either. Just a "what could have been" sort of film.
Alan Partridge- Alpha Papa

I was a bit dubious when 'Welcome To The Places Of My Life' and 'Mid Morning Matters' came out, but they were funny and showed that it still works without audience laughter. The film is even better. Classic Partridge moments and quotes throughout, genuine lols were had. Also a good story, well written. Needed more of Michael in it though!

Prometheus - 2/10

Aaaaargh how can a crew be so stupid? And I don't mean stupid in a way that is a set up for horror movies, but stupid in a way that suggests space travel diminishes a person's IQ by half and destroys their capacity for rational thought and reasoning.

2 points added for visuals only.
Oblivion 6/10

Not a bad film, but it hard to put a finger on what was wrong with it I guess in the end the film was just a bit unnecessary, it didn't bring anything new yet there was nothing wrong with what it did do.
Oblivion 6/10

Not a bad film, but it hard to put a finger on what was wrong with it I guess in the end the film was just a bit unnecessary, it didn't bring anything new yet there was nothing wrong with what it did do.

Tom cruise and it wasn't fleshed out enough.

Nice idea of a story, not well written.
Ok most of the ideas are copied, but I don't care about that. Most films copy each other these days. But lack of decent writing and/or director being an idiot is what so many films down.
Soldier 1998 Kurt Russell.

Terrible film in every aspect from the script to the plot and the acting.


If you rewatch the last half hour at 8x speed with the Benny Hill music playing in the background, it is one of the funniest films you'll ever see. The whole end battle scene basically, can't remember anything that happens, just rolling on the floor with laughter.

Watched Red 2 this evening, was pretty average, I love a bit of Willis, but it was nowhere near the greatness of the first. I would give it 4 or 5 out of 10 because it was just meh.
The Mist - Went from great, good, slow, good, great to a WTF finale
As predictable and chicle as it was it was still good, nothing new to cinema and i think it was a dry run for walking dead. still 8/10

Pacific Rim - Deffo a "boys" film, terrible acting corny rubbish charters, the scientist guys were rubbish... but GIANT robots vs cheesy looking cliche aliens and HUGE guitar twanging sound track.. As a Mech Warrior fan i can appreciate giant robots but as a film meh... 7/10

I just put Pulp Fiction on... in the background.to warm me up for Django tommrow, . Im already smirking.
Kick Ass 2
Perfect balance of action, comedy (really good kines) and gore. Nice to see a hero movie where the violence isn't hidden out of frame. The language is direct and the casting great as expected.
Kick Ass 2
Perfect balance of action, comedy (really good kines) and gore. Nice to see a hero movie where the violence isn't hidden out of frame. The language is direct and the casting great as expected.

Did you enjoy it as much as Kick Ass?. I happened across the first one purely by chance and loved everything about it, hoping they haven't made a hash of the sequel as the trailers I've seen so far don't exactly make me want to rush out and see it. Hope I'm wrong there.
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