What film did you watch last night?

Zero Dark Thirty

I enjoyed most of the film as most of it was less Hollywood and more gripping investigation. The movie is long, but I didn't get bored at any point. It was interesting to see the perception made of CIA operatives in the Middle East and I enjoyed the lead part, I thought she was well cast. The film did have its obligatory Hollywood ending though when the SF team dropped in to kill Bin Laden, but I can forgive them that.

7/10 Good
Captain America 2 Winter Soldier - 8/10 -The 1st film in a long time that I really enjoyed pretty much from start to finish, I didn't even realise how long the film is as it seemed to fly by. As well as the usual comedic twists that you can now expect from every Marvel film there was some surprisingly hard hitting acting (old lady in bed scene for example). The story/script felt well written, the character acting was above par for an action flick, the 3D was just realistic enough that I didn't even notice it for 99% of the time and when I did, it was very well done. Finally the CGI was good enough that it didn't "break the reality" by being obvious even though with 3 Heli-Carriers on screen, it clearly is!

Well worth the cinema fee and listening to the 4 chavs sat a few rows behind me argue for about 20mins straight!
The Amazing Spider-Man. I like Andrew Garfield better as Spider-man than Tobey Maguire, but other than that the film isn't as good as the first two Spider-man films, though obviously it's better than the third. The special effects are seriously patchy, the script is dire ("mother Hubbard"? Really?), the score is your standard horrible orchestral swells, the plot is the same as every damn superhero film ever... The fighting was somewhat reminiscent of Jackie Chan and the like, which was pretty good, when it wasn't cgi'd into next week.

Nope, not keen.
Not last night but a few nights ago I saw the new Paranormal Activity Marked Ones film.

Got bored of the other films as they didn't live up to the first and this started off fairly interesting but didn't really reach a decent height in keeping interest going. Watch it all the way but probably would not give it more than a 5-6.
Thirteen Days
Documentary styled film about the Cuban missile crisis. If you can get passed Costner's terrible southern accent (put on for the role) it's a very good film. The scenarios being discussed behind closed doors were chilling. Quite educational (I was sat there reading up on the Bay of Pigs and Munich which were discussed in the film!).
Watched Thirteen Days too last night. Really good film I thought and got me reading up on it too the first time I saw it.
I still think very few (including myself) fully appreciate how close that got to nuclear war.

On a completely different note couple of recent 'watches for me was also The Day of the Jackal with Edward Fox and The Man who Would be King with Michael Caine and Sean Connery. Very different films and both very enjoyable to watch.
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