What film did you watch last night?

Try - A Serbian Film

I like films like antichrist...plots of Hollywood movies are far too easy to guess these days

"Martyrs" is great if you like stuff like that.
"We Need to Talk About Kevin" is not graphic but is very bleak - and very good.

I watched "The Hunt" at the weekend. I'd be interested to see how closely it followed how the law in Denmark on how this sort of situation is handled as some of the decisions seemed pretty odd imo...

..about how the parents were all told prior to the accused really knowing what was going on. Was also half expecting/hoping the very last scene to be a cutaway of a hidden cellar that Mads actually did have all along, proving he was guilty after all.

Also finally got around to watching the second half of Shutter Island. Not much of a sting but very enjoyable.
Harry Potter & The Goblet Of Fire - Still not seen all the films so we're slowly getting through them all. Doesn't help with a girflriend that has the attention span of a 5 year old.

Enjoyed the 2nd half more than the 1st half with all the Quidditch world cup etc which just felt so annoying. Harrys acting is still pants and Harminey's facial expressions just grate !

Still epic though and it's quite dark and scary (for a kids film, not myself) so 7/10 from me.

It's amusing sometimes yet at the same time infuriating watching him act. I don't know, it always felt like he's trying for too hard coming across desperate or a frustrated actor.

I haven't seen his acting in any new stuff but he looks scarily hairy now.

Have you seen Emma Watson's acting after Harry Potter? I haven't as I'm curious.

I loved most of the earlier Harry films. I really loved the whole warmth of Hogwarts and the school lessons. Everything was so cosy. Scary thinking back how it started in 2001.

Goblet of Fire was good. Brendan Gleeson is funny. I think it was this film onwards most of it is away from Hogwarts?
The Amazing Spiderman 2

Surprisingly very good and well put together, was one of the better super hero movies they made and probably just as good as Captain America Winter Soldier.

9/10 would definitely go watch if u are in to those types of movies.
A Triple helping of films over the weekend.

Friday: Calvary - 8/10 really enjoyable film, catch it while you can.
Saturday: Frozen - 9/10 great disney film, not my normal viewing tastes but a great animated film.
Sunday: The Impossible - 5/10 Good at the start, the scenes of the Tsunami were incredibly powerful, but as the film progressed it became too much about the white English family getting home safely. This resulted in the scope of the film becoming way too narrow and I felt that it missed out on the greater tragedy, as if only the 5 british people mattered. This became more and more annoying as the film progressed and then I began to spot other flaws that I wouldn't normally see.
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Watched the Amazing Spiderman 2 in IMAX and MY GOD was it good.

Girlfriend was blubbering next to me and I was in pure awe of the sheer size of the screen and clarity of the speakers

Film was good too :p
Locke 3/10

Essentially a film of someone driving from A to B whilst dealing with there marital problems and sorting out a concrete pouring job over the phone. Yes, really. Tedious, would have given it a 4 if it wasn't for Tom Hardy's dodgy welsh accent.
Robocop 7/10

I really enjoyed it, I went in knowing it would be nothing like the original, with that accepted I enjoyed it for what it was, a bit of mindless action, yes the baddy lacked any real threat, but the story was interesting.

Also a couple of nods to the original.
Robocop 7/10

I really enjoyed it, I went in knowing it would be nothing like the original, with that accepted I enjoyed it for what it was, a bit of mindless action, yes the baddy lacked any real threat, but the story was interesting.

Also a couple of nods to the original.

Spot on, I watched it last night and agree with what you say.
Before Sunlight

Realised just as I started watching this that there was a prequel (Before Sunrise).

I continued watching anyway, and I was not disappointed. It's a majestic and beautiful romantic drama. No sexual contact in any way, and much better for it. If anyone likes films with a similar pacing to Lost in Translation, and Coen Brothers films, I think you'll enjoy this.

It's set in Paris, and is literally just the couple walking around Paris, having a deep and interesting conversation about everything to do with the time they have spent apart.

The first and second films were actually made 9 years apart, which means that the time frame in the film is completely true to real time, making their aging, and maturity completely believable.


I cannot wait to watch the first part tomorrow night.


Old scoring system.
Locke 3/10

Essentially a film of someone driving from A to B whilst dealing with there marital problems and sorting out a concrete pouring job over the phone. Yes, really. Tedious, would have given it a 4 if it wasn't for Tom Hardy's dodgy welsh accent.
I actually quite enjoyed it, gave it a 7.

I thought Hardy was superb, and cinematographically it was fantastic.

The preview showing I went to had a few people walk out, which I can completely understand. It's like my house mates hated Inside Llewyn Davis, but I loved it, I absolutely get why people would find it tedious.

I must admit that at times the constant ringing of the phone became a little tedious, but as for the rest of the experience, I thought it was pretty good.
TIL: Headrat's computer doesn't react to him in the same way :p

I thought the film was quite good. Opens up various questions especially in our own future as this is the way things are heading.
Agreed. I loved Her. Maybe Headrat was watching it with some very poor speakers and on a very poor screen? The melancholy score was very good imho.
Before Sunlight

Realised just as I started watching this that there was a prequel (Before Sunrise).

I continued watching anyway, and I was not disappointed. It's a majestic and beautiful romantic drama. No sexual contact in any way, and much better for it. If anyone likes films with a similar pacing to Lost in Translation, and Coen Brothers films, I think you'll enjoy this.

It's set in Paris, and is literally just the couple walking around Paris, having a deep and interesting conversation about everything to do with the time they have spent apart.

The first and second films were actually made 9 years apart, which means that the time frame in the film is completely true to real time, making their aging, and maturity completely believable.


I cannot wait to watch the first part tomorrow night.


Old scoring system.

I need to watch the third part again as I was quite disappointed on first viewing, also done in real time 10 years after part 2
Pearl Harbor 2001 7/10

Cut away all the "human love story" and its a fairly explosive Modern ww2 flick.
The actual attack sequences are quite well done, very dramatic. Lots of Michael Bay bangs and booms for which are now his trade marks.
The only thing that is missing is Optimus Prime and Megan Fox in hot pants draped over those Zeros wings.
Robocop (New)

Was generally ok for a sci-fi channel original movie :p

In all honesty it really was ok, some questionable acting, some questionable CGI but it completely missed the mark on one front....GRIT

It had none, it had no backbone.

Amazing Spiderman 2

Well it had lots of funny lines, lots of cool CGI even if it was less realistic than other movies in the Marvel franchise and it had Emma Stone. Nothing else needs to be said? :D


I'd give it 7.5/10. More enjoyable than the last film. Wanted to frying pan his aunt at times though.
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