What film did you watch last night?

Robocop (2014) 8/10
Some very cool effects i.e. when the robotic parts of the body are taken away and you see what's left but the film left me disappointed through lack of action and a poor ending. It's rated a 12 and I reckon a 12 year old would have enjoyed it more. They should have made it with an 18+ audience in mind. I feel the same way about the batman films. I guess I crave some hard hitting action, blood, violence and lots of gore!

8/10 and a review like that ????
Saw it too on TV.

Everyone kept going on about how it's just ripping off Battle Royale (and I know the author did state that BR did influence it somewhat), but it was still pretty different beyond kids killing each-other.

Enjoyable enough for sure, 6/10.

I thought she said she didn't come across Battle Royale until after she'd written it?

Anyway, I agree that the two are quite markedly different.
While it is different enough from BR to stand alone, I still don't believe her in the slightest :p

The Raid 2

Honestly? I was pretty disappointed tbh.
It was nice to expand the world beyond the tower block setting of the first film and have more of a story, yet I found that it didn't really improve on the action which is what made the first one such a standout. In some cases it was a downgrade.

6.5/10 for me.
Yeah, I was watching that last night too funnily enough :D

Suzanne Collins said:
One night, I was lying in bed, and I was channel surfing between reality TV programs and actual war coverage. On one channel, there’s a group of young people competing for I don’t even know; and on the next, there’s a group of young people fighting in an actual war. I was really tired, and the lines between these stories started to blur in a very unsettling way. That’s the moment when Katniss’s story came to me.

I dunno man...
Oculus - Came out of the cinema thinking it was a good film but when I thought about it I really didn't have a clue what was going on or why they were there or what they were doing. It just got worst as the movie went on. 4/10
Re Edge of Tomorrow:

Yet its struggling to make its money back.

I really enjoyed it though.

In the cinemas the same week as Malecifient, 22jumpmstreet, xmen days of future past, and others. Shortly after Godzilla launched. Bad timing if you ask me, people who would have saw it, went to xmen, or brought the kids to Malecifient.
I will wait for the blue ray myself.
Insidious Chapter 2.


Not as creepy as the first one, did a good job of wrapping up the story though and I enjoyed it. Made my hair on my arms stand up on a few occasions.
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