What film did you watch last night?

Sabotage 6/10

Arnie heading a team of undercover DEA agents. They do a job, it goes bad, people die, Arnie has to be a badass - end credits.

Besides the great than usual blood/gore it's just a run of the mill no brainer film.
Rogue - Party of tourists on a boat and a giant crocodile stalking them. It was better than expected for this sort of film so ... 6/10

Watched that the other night and kinda agree.

Certainly not great, but was watchable and the acting, despite having a few bad moments, could have been a lot worse.


Wow. 10/10
Such a great film. Easily the best film I've seen in that last 12 months.


slipped under my radar in that i couldnt be bothered to watch it even though i love everyone involved. watched it after seeing how well received it is on RT and glad i did
Transformers: Age of Extinction 4/10

Pretty dire, Mark Wahlberg was terrible, the girl had great legs but the dialogue was awful. It quickly descended just in to pure sustained action for the best part of two hours, with next to no story to it. And so much product placement it was unbelievable.

Sounds exactly like the last one then! I quite enjoyed the first two but the third was something that rhymes with "third"! :p

On a positive note I watched Bad Words last night and really enjoyed it!

Jason Bateman as a nasty piece of work was great - so used to him playing the hapless "nice guy" (Couples Retreat, The Change Up, Hancock etc)
Under The Skin 1/10

Dont bother it's terrible.

Thought the same only reason for the 1 would be Scarlett Johansson getting her kit off a few times

Watched Transcendence, 6/10
Was worth the watch but felt it could have been more.

Enemy 4/10, Tried to be too thought provoking and just ended up with a WTF have I just watched type feeling.
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Childs Play - 8/10

Your typical horror movie, but has added 'scare factor' as I originally watched it when I was about 6. Impressed at the effects for the 1988 film
Senna (at long last). Very good. Powerful goose bumpy last 15 mins or so. He was quite a guy but I also appreciate this film is one perception of him. Great seeing some young faces in there.
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes - 7/10

Just got back from watching this, it's on par with the last movie and really quite enjoyable. They explore some really interesting social aspects as well as... a rage monkey on horseback dual wielding two assault rifles while screaming a battle cry (can't wait to find a wallpaper of that!).

Strangely I thought it was about to end several times and was on the verge of feeling robbed but ended up quite the opposite.

EDIT: Not quite wallpaper quality but still hilarious:

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Way too generous! Can't remember how far I got before turning it off, but it wasn't far. 0/10.

true, me and mrs just kept looking at each other "what the **** is this ****?"

^^^^ that new planet of the ape, i really want to see it. Looks fantastic! Anyone see the advert between the Brazil v Germany match with the ape walking up and grabbing the vodka and sitting down with the bloke... Brilliant.
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Edge of Tomorrow. 8.5/10.

Fair play to Tom Cruise when he plays against type some times. Thoroughly enjoyed what I expected to be a balls out action flick, and it is, but it is laugh out loud funny too. Excellent.

Grand Budapest Hotel Unrated

A "Wes Anderson" movie. Stuck it for 20 mins. Try-hard peculiar.
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