What film did you watch last night?

Drive. 9/10 the soundtrack and film style is utterly superb.

While I agree the soundtrack and style are superb, I finished watching wondering if Ryan Goslings character was supposed to be retarded, i'm not even joking a little bit. He was uncomfortable to watch the entire time and had zero chemistry with anyone else.

I'd give it 6/10, purely based on the style and soundtrack, I personally think the rest of it is pretty 'meh'.
Transformers: Age of Extinction 4/10

Pretty dire, Mark Wahlberg was terrible, the girl had great legs but the dialogue was awful. It quickly descended just in to pure sustained action for the best part of two hours, with next to no story to it. And so much product placement it was unbelievable.
Watched Hatchet 3, more of the same from the last two but as far as cheesy bloody horrors go, these absolutely nail it. Good combination of humour and gore and over the top kills.
Sabotage - 6/10, with the caveat that you switch your brain off. They don't hold back on the blood and gore either, which is good.

Tell you this though, Arnie looks in bloody great shape for man of 66 (67 in a couple of weeks or so).
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Sabotage - 6/10, with the caveat that you switch your brain off. They don't hold back on the blood and gore either, which is good.

Tell you this though, Arnie looks in bloody great shape for man of 66 (67 in a couple of weeks or so).

I agree, Arnie looks fantastic!

Sabotage 5/10. Not arnies best effort. He just looks too old to be playing an action man now

Too old? Dude.....he looks amazing.
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