What film did you watch last night?

Need For Speed.

Seriously good I felt. The car chases, the sounds of American muscle V8s, I found this better than the Fast & Furious series as the camera stays on the cars more often with proper car sounds with less of the fart can "JDM y0" scene.

Also, Mmmmmmustang.
Sabotage.... what I could stomach 1/10.... being generous.

The intro tactical attack was crap, the ugly girl dressed up to be "hot"... I was like, okay, not believable. Their uber tactics were..... drive up to the front door. Then even though they were walking out... they stuffed some money down a toilet, with absolutely no explanation of why they didn't just take the money with them. It got stolen so they apparently investigated this guy... but ignored his nutso team doing drugs and basically being idiots.

They started training again and with live ammo behaved like bickering children, pushing and shoving like idiots, it was all so awful, woeful dialogue, woeful everything.

Guy on train tracks gets blown to pieces... awful dialogue for the cops. Cop goes to a house and despite showing id they act like she's a stripper and more importantly act like a bunch of coked up morons. More absurd and awful dialogue, no acting at all. I gave up here because while everything else was woeful that scene was just abysmal. Everything up to this point, literally everything, every word, every attempted piece of acting, every stupid part of the house attack, everything to this point was garbage, complete garbage.......

His other film post governator, that stupid attack on the town/local sheriff thing was poor but not close to this level of awfulness.
Hamlet 2 - 5/10

A comedy with Steve Coogan playing a drama teacher setting up a new school play - plot's nothing spectacular, but Coogan's American accent was just weird to watch.
Wish I Was Here

Zac Braff's Kickstarter film which I backed, as I was a great fan of Garden State and thought he could produce something special. And I think he has. It's really not over the top at all. Emotional, but rather subtly and well done. Some laughs. Definitely glad it was made, and will probably watch it again.

A touch of sin.

Brilliant film if a little depressing 8/10

makes a change from the usual kung fu and over the top action films i usually watch from china.
We saw Boyhood this afternoon. It was good. The passage of time is interesting, though it takes time to get used to it, because it's not flagged up, so there's no big "ONE YEAR LATER" inter titles or anything. You just notice everyone getting older and people's haircuts changing and stuff. Maybe that fits with the idea of time all blurring together and the way you look back and just see little highlights of things. It's one of those films where nothing really happens, and it's all tied up in these conversations and nuancey stuff. There's no car chases or gunfights, so hey, don't see it if you need that. I can't see it getting a huge release, so you'll have to find an art house cinema, most likely, though that being said the odeon in the printworks were showing it, so it may get out there a bit.
∆ Didn't rate non stop myself personally.

Just watching Sabotage, pretty good so far, Arnie is looking so old!!

Big fan of David Ayer films.

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