What film did you watch last night?

Finally got round to watching End of Watch and while it was an unusual take on the LA cop genre there really didn't seem to be much of a storyline!?!?!

Things really only got going about half an hour from the end but the most bemusing part was the flashback right at the very end with the two of them talking in the car that, and correct me if I'm wrong, had literally zero point to it!?!?!? :confused:

Decent watchable film I guess but could have been so much better imo!

It's been a long time I saw it but wasn't it to show their relationship?

The ending made me cry like a punk :(
Edge of Tomorrow 9/10

Brilliant film with a very original concept that's so well played out and funny at times. Certainly not the same old tired story. The built up scenario is terrific and visuals are stunning.
It's been a long time I saw it but wasn't it to show their relationship?

The ending made me cry like a punk :(

It was a conversation with the Mexican guy telling the other guy about how his wife's parents walked in while they were about to get down to it for the first time and he got trapped under their bed while the parents went at it!

Just didn't seem to add much, if anything, to the story/relationship!?!?! :confused:
Edge of Tomorrow 9/10

Brilliant film with a very original concept that's so well played out and funny at times. Certainly not the same old tired story. The built up scenario is terrific and visuals are stunning.

Great film but hardly original. Its just a SciFi take on groundhog day
Such dangerous words 'original' but there's always a loose connection you can make no matter what the idea.

Groundhog Day seems like such a cheap shot "oh yeah he's stuck in the same day," just completely disregards the application of that mechanic in this film.

Sublime film, loved every second of it.

Read up some user reviews on IMDB and a lot of people were utterly slating it (not all, obviously not with its current IMDB rating). Suggesting it's not for the "intelligent peoples".

I'm sorry but my day job isn't an astronaut or indeed anything to do with the science of space. I was entertained throughout the film so in my eyes it did its job perfectly, and not for a second did I think “yeah, that could have happened, I totally believe that”.
Lock stock and two smoking barrels...
i started watching "drinking buddies".... turned it off after 20 minutes, what a load of crap. i expected a lot more, so i turned to a classic and enjoyed every minute of it.... especially as jason statham isnt a tank...i felt better about myself

A Japanese animated movie about 2 Street orphans finding their way around the city and done truly beautifully how you'd expect from somewhere like Studio Ghibli. The fight scenes and action sequences are really awe inspiring and the music and sound perfect for the city setting.

Definitely worth a watch for anyone who liked Ghibli style production quality.
Transformers 4 - 4/10

Now I am usually a generous giver of points but this film just let me down. More of the same, lame plot, gaping holes and invincible main characters when falling off skyscrapers.

It gets 4 for lovely animation. But it really does nothing more than the previous 3.
Teenage mutant ninja turtles 3
Think I enjoyed it more the first time but still fun.
I so hope they've done a good job with the new movie out in october
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