What film did you watch last night?

Zulu (again). Obviously some of it has dated badly (virtually no blood in a battle which killed around 500-600 people, mostly at close range) and some of it was known to be inaccurate even at the time (Private Hook's daughters objected to his portrayal), but still one of the great war films. I'd forgotten how long it is before the battle starts: about halfway through a two hour film. And like all the best war films it gives credit to the enemy.
The Grand Budapest Hotel - Silly, absurd, sad, funny, great cinematography, sharp dialogue and some brilliant acting. Best stop now! It’s magical entertainment. 8/10
Watched DOTPOT Apes...huge suggestion...do not watch in 3D, it's not needed and it makes an already dark movie even worse.

However, solid story and action throughout, pushing 9/10 for me.
The Raid 2 - 9.5/10 loved everything about it, especially some of the camera moves.

Snowpiercer - 5/10 was alright, lulled in places doubt would watch again.

Pi - 7/10 interesting concept, nice to see how aronofsky started out

Meeks Cutoff - 2/10 hated it, to slow with no real payoff at the end. Nice cinematography though.
Had the chance to meet Benjamin Mee recently so checked out the film based on his life "We Bought a Zoo", was pleasantly surprised to find out it had Scarlett Johansson in it :D

Overall a kid's movie but an easy watch if you're bored 7/10
Watched DOTPOT Apes...huge suggestion...do not watch in 3D, it's not needed and it makes an already dark movie even worse.

However, solid story and action throughout, pushing 9/10 for me.

Agree, 3D is not needed for this film.
As for the film itself, 7.5/10. Enjoyed it but was expecting just that little bit more. Certainly still worth watching though.
The Internship
Half way through so far, liking it though with all the Google stuff :-)

The Pizza owner from Spider-Man 2. Funny. The films was strangely funny most of the time. The guy in the wheelchair as well.

If this is really true, what an uncomfortable bizarre place to work…
The Pizza owner from Spider-Man 2. Funny. The films was strangely funny most of the time. The guy in the wheelchair as well.

If this is really true, what an uncomfortable bizarre place to work…

Yeah It was pretty good, Charles Xavier haha, definitely different to other comedies out there.

I know right, but still I would love to work there!
I watched (well half watched, I was painting at the same time), Hotel Transylvania which was pretty enjoyable, and made me laugh a few times.
I guess about a 7/10, it's no Monsters Inc, but it's better than I initially thought it would be.
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