What film did you watch last night?

Watched these over the weekend.

Rambo (2008) - 7/10

Still an amazing action movie which is a great fix after a crappy day at work! Stallone is brilliant however is mostly let down by every other actor in the movie.

Prince Avalanche - 8/10

Wanted to watch this since it came out at cinema last year, now it's on NetFlix so felt compelled. Wasn't really expecting it to be so deep, and certainly didn't expect it to have an amazing score. The acting was spot on and the way it leaves you contemplating the ending is great. Well worth a watch.

Blood Diamond - 8/10

Still one of my favourite Dicaprio movies, if only for the accent! A brilliant insight into Africa and the Blood Diamond trade at large. Great performances all round and the romance isn't pushed down your throat, so that's a plus.
The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug - 6.5/10
Probably been reviewed to death on here but I thought it was a reasonable film, again this trilogy could easily have been 1 or 2 films and there was far too much filler for my liking. A few enjoyable scenes in particular the river scene (very predictable but I enjoyed it!) The purists will have a problem with this franchise I'd imagine.
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Sabotage 7/10

Not your typical Arnie film, but it was quite good.

Delivery Man


Vince Vaughn is seriously type cast. He plays the same character in every film that he does! As for this film, it was ok I guess.
The Fifth Estate. It didn't really work for me. The acting was good, and the plot was ok, insofar as it's a more or less accurate bit of modern history. I don't think it quite knew what to make of it's characters, though. They felt a bit blurry, maybe.
Watched Begin Again on Saturday night, quite an enjoyable feel good film 8/10

Rewatched Remember the Titans last night and love it 9/10 every time.
The Amazing Spiderman 2

It was OK, nothing special in my mind, it pushed the whole reboot story along nicely, but for me these types of movie are about the bad guys, and Jamie Foxx as Electro just didn't wet my whistle.


X-Men Days of Future past

Again, the rebooted story gets pushed along nicely, but this time I really enjoyed the characters and action....quicksilver in particular stole the show.

Saw a few over the last few days.

Great ride, a little silly in places but I really enjoyed it. Some amazing battle sequences.

The Last Samurai
I am a sucker for Cruise :cool:. Wonderfully shot film, perhaps stretched a little too long in places though and a few pointless scenes.

My second viewing... Nope, the first 30/40% is fairly decent. All downhill from there I am afraid. Beautiful cinematography throughout however, just a shame about that rubbish story etc etc

Casino Royale
This is a proper Bond movie, reminded me why I liked Craig after watching the dreadful Skyfall. If the script is right he nails that character. Plus, Eva Green ;)
Saw a few over the last few days.

Great ride, a little silly in places but I really enjoyed it. Some amazing battle sequences.

Stephen the mad Irishman. I can't get over this is the same guy in Harry Potter Deathly Harrows Part 1. Albert Runcorn

Stephen: [to William Wallace] "The Almighty tells me he can get me out of this mess, but he's pretty sure you're ******."

Casino Royale
This is a proper Bond movie, reminded me why I liked Craig after watching the dreadful Skyfall. If the script is right he nails that character. Plus, Eva Green ;)

Fantastic film. Gorgeous as well.
Loved casino royale and quantum of solace, didn't like skyfall.. But not surprised as ian flemming didn't write that one.

Homefront, one of stathams better ones.

Hummingbird, really enjoyed this great melodramatic feel to it.

Street Fighter: Assasin's Fist 10/10
A Low budget fan made web series compiled as a full movie. does what hollywood couldnt and make an awesome film that stays more or less true to the SF mythology. focuses on ryu and kens storylines, also also goki, goku, akuma's

must watch for any one who luved SF 2 or still luvs SF games:rock:
'Under The Skin' This has the most disturbing scene I have seen in a film, that will live with me for a long time, as will the whole film... I really can't get it out of my head. Very dark, very weird, but mesmerising from start to finish; and what seems like strange casting (Scarlet Johansson) is a stroke of genius. 9/10
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Cockneys vs Zombies

Far from a masterpiece, but funny and entertaining, after all it has Brick Top in it. 6/10

Haha I enjoyed this, Alan Ford is a legend!

Shifty - 7/10 nice gritty urban drama about two young lads in London, one comes back to meet his old pal and get him away from what he is doing, selling drugs and living in the same run down area.

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