What film did you watch last night?

Snowpiercer - 7/10

Not bad, some cheesy acting (Tilda Swinton!!) and a bit of a 'Matrix Revolutions' moment (no Spoilers!!! ;) ) all in all some good action and some good cinematography! I'd Recommend it!! :)

Righteous Kill

Meh, it was ok I guess. 5/10

Just over hyped because of De'niro and Pachino together blah blah...
Red 2 - Very entertaining, much better than the first one in my opinion, would watch it again. I was surprised by how good it was to be honest. The plot "twists" were all very predictable though.
Dawn of the planet of the apes - 7/10

Quite a clever film in how it portrays human and ape behaviour to basically be the same thing. My one and only criticism though is that the main human actors had absolutely abysmal dialogue. The complete lack of it in key points in the film really just forced the storyline down the arch that you start to expect, which isn't very good script writing in my opinion. The 3D in the film is also utterly pointless, so god knows why it was even filmed for it.
There's a bit on the tank with the turret slowly spinning that makes good use of 3D, but other than that just adds a bit of depth but not much else.
There's a bit on the tank with the turret slowly spinning that makes good use of 3D, but other than that just adds a bit of depth but not much else.

Even that part though, I just felt that it was just adding a bit of depth but nothing else. The only other part I really felt a sense of depth was when caesar was stood infront of the camera and koba was behind him, but back by about 10 feet.

The trailer for the new hercules film before the movie started had more of the "3D effect" that I was expecting with stuff flying out of the screen. The intro to dawn of the planet of the apes probably had the best 3D effect in the entire movie, with the world as an overlay to the video behind it.
End of Watch - 9/10

Absolutely sodding brilliant movie. Follows the trials and tribulations of two cops in the notorious "Southland" of LA. Very real, very gritty, great acting from the two mains.

Reminds me very much of Southland the TV series.

Probably the best film I've seen all year.
The Signal - 8/10

Low budget Sci-fi with Laurence Fishburne, beautifully shot and reminded me a lot of Primer in its atmosphere. It gets a bit 'out there' towards the end but still better than a lot of stuff out there that has ten times the budget.
The Signal - 8/10

Low budget Sci-fi with Laurence Fishburne, beautifully shot and reminded me a lot of Primer in its atmosphere. It gets a bit 'out there' towards the end but still better than a lot of stuff out there that has ten times the budget.

I had a look, and to say the least it's weird, but not bad. Glad the ending explained the strangeness.
End of Watch - 9/10

Absolutely sodding brilliant movie. Follows the trials and tribulations of two cops in the notorious "Southland" of LA. Very real, very gritty, great acting from the two mains.

Reminds me very much of Southland the TV series.

Probably the best film I've seen all year.

Fantastic movie another great by David Ayer, check out Harsh Times as well great movie, he produced that, along with training day.

Just watched new Spidey - 7/10

Some great action scenes in it, can't believe Gwen died but she died in the comics so.... That was a gripping scene with the web reaching out like a hand, but newtons laws of pshychics says a sudden stop while in a high speed fall will destroy you, snapping bones and organs exploding.

Looking forward to the Sinister Six.
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Fantastic movie another great by David Ayer, check out Harsh Times as well great movie, he produced that, along with training day.

Just watched new Spidey - 7/10

Some great action scenes in it, can't believe Gwen died but she died in the comics so.... That was a gripping scene with the web reaching out like a hand, but newtons laws of pshychics says a sudden stop while in a high speed fall will destroy you, snapping bones and organs exploding.

Looking forward to the Sinister Six.

Spoiler tags next time please :(
Dawn of the Sequel of the Prequel of the Planet of the Apes.

It was superb. It is more moving than you'd expect with some very good scenes. The special effects are wide and vast and beautiful and acting from both humans and apes very good.

See it!
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