What film did you watch last night?

Fantastic movie another great by David Ayer, check out Harsh Times as well great movie, he produced that, along with training day.

Just watched new Spidey - 7/10

Some great action scenes in it, can't believe Gwen died but she died in the comics so.... That was a gripping scene with the web reaching out like a hand, but newtons laws of pshychics says a sudden stop while in a high speed fall will destroy you, snapping bones and organs exploding.

Looking forward to the Sinister Six.

WTF.. i aint seen this film... ****
Finally got round to watching Lone Survivor

Was allot better then I was expecting. It got a bit far fetched at the end, I think some pretty big liberties were taken with what happened but still a very good film.

7 -10
'Under The Skin' This has the most disturbing scene I have seen in a film, that will live with me for a long time, as will the whole film... I really can't get it out of my head. Very dark, very weird, but mesmerising from start to finish; and what seems like strange casting (Scarlet Johansson) is a stroke of genius. 9/10

Having just watched this film the most disturbing thing was the knowledge that I'd just wasted 110 minutes of my life.
Under the Skin

A huge WTF for me. A naked Scarlett Johansson is worth a flick through, but the rest of the film... It's arty, in a visual sense it's rather mesmerising, in a story sense it makes no sense.


And those two marks are for Scarlett's two
Carrie (2013) on netflix.

Having seen the original 1970s version and the 2002 reboot, this one was probably the best for me. The overbearing mother was played so well I actually found her quite unsettling to watch and the prom date guy was very endearing and very well acted for what make of breaks this type of film. This film varies from the original in storyline as the popular guy who takes carrie to the prom is the boyfriend of a girl who feels deep remorse for joining in bullying her. Hes a nice guy character, so goes along with her plan (willingly) to take carrie instead of her to the prom. This is far different to the original where its done as a dare and the entire thing is a set up.

Overall, one of the best reboots I've ever seen, especially from a classic. Very surprised at how well it was made and I'd only make minor adjustments to the critical scenes at the end to polish what is already a very good film.

Alien 3 - always thought it was a much better film than reviews tend to state (especially the directors cut.)

The directors cut should be reviewed as an entirely different film and I whole heartedly agree its much better than the reviews state. One of my favourite films in fact. Can't believe they butchered it so badly in the theatre release!
Carrie (2013) on netflix.

Having seen the original 1970s version and the 2002 reboot, this one was probably the best for me. The overbearing mother was played so well I actually found her quite unsettling to watch and the prom date guy was very endearing and very well acted for what make of breaks this type of film. This film varies from the original in storyline as the popular guy who takes carrie to the prom is the boyfriend of a girl who feels deep remorse for joining in bullying her. Hes a nice guy character, so goes along with her plan (willingly) to take carrie instead of her to the prom. This is far different to the original where its done as a dare and the entire thing is a set up.

Overall, one of the best reboots I've ever seen, especially from a classic. Very surprised at how well it was made and I'd only make minor adjustments to the critical scenes at the end to polish what is already a very good film.


Is is April 1st already? ;)
Carrie wasn't that bad, I enjoyed it too.

I wouldn't go so far to say it's 9.5/10 but it was good. As he says, certainly one of the better remakes.
Carrie wasn't that bad, I enjoyed it too.

I wouldn't go so far to say it's 9.5/10 but it was good. As he says, certainly one of the better remakes.

I must be one of the few that really didn't like it, i'm not keen on the original though if i'm honest. CGM is a very over-rated actress and she'll vanish as quickly as she's appeared. Once the schoolgirl/hit girl badass charms wear off, folks will get tired of her.

I'd give it a 4/10 at best.
Guardians of the Galaxy.:cool:

Music adds a certain something to it.

Very good. 9/10 for me.
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Once Have had this on DVD for years, but only just bothered to watch it... its a really nice film, and I love to two leads. 8/10

Also just watched the full Worricker Trilogy, which are film length but made for TV by David Hare, starring Bill Nighy. Loved them once I got into the slightly odd dialogue, which is in some ways more like a stage production, esp. in Page Eight. 9/10

Under the Skin

A huge WTF for me.

He-he... its definitely a love or hate film. Apparently about a third of the audience at Cannes booed at the end, but many also thought it a total masterpiece.
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End of Watch - 9/10

Absolutely sodding brilliant movie. Follows the trials and tribulations of two cops in the notorious "Southland" of LA. Very real, very gritty, great acting from the two mains.

Saw that last night, by your recommendation! - Can't disagree, loved that movie.

9/10 from me too... :cool:
Carrie (2013) on netflix.

Having seen the original 1970s version and the 2002 reboot, this one was probably the best for me. The overbearing mother was played so well I actually found her quite unsettling to watch and the prom date guy was very endearing and very well acted for what make of breaks this type of film. This film varies from the original in storyline as the popular guy who takes carrie to the prom is the boyfriend of a girl who feels deep remorse for joining in bullying her. Hes a nice guy character, so goes along with her plan (willingly) to take carrie instead of her to the prom. This is far different to the original where its done as a dare and the entire thing is a set up.

Overall, one of the best reboots I've ever seen, especially from a classic. Very surprised at how well it was made and I'd only make minor adjustments to the critical scenes at the end to polish what is already a very good film.


You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think i tmeans.
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