What film did you watch last night?

I concede the point, on the basis of semantics and there having been a Carrie 2 and thus some wider continuity to be disregarded in the manner more consistent with a reboot.
He-he... its definitely a love or hate film. Apparently about a third of the audience at Cannes booed at the end, but many also thought it a total masterpiece.

Which is the beauty of such a thing! Some completely baffled and bored, others simply enchanted and excited.

Might still rewatch it for the beautiful performance of the 2 lead stars of the show.
She gets *everything* out. It's a very odd film, I liked some of the visuals but a lot of it left me wondering what I'd just seen.

Hmmm...may have to watch to see what all the fuss is about. SJ frustrates me as she is almost stunningly beautiful but comes across so moody most of the time it makes me dislike her.
Which is the beauty of such a thing! Some completely baffled and bored, others simply enchanted and excited.

Might still rewatch it for the beautiful performance of the 2 lead stars of the show.

There were 2 lead stars in the film?

I always just saw it as SJ and one guy after another, just 1 lead star really.

Must admit, I thought Under the Skin was an awful film too. In terms of telling a story, it simply told nothing at all. I was no wiser or more understanding of what was going on, at the end of the film, than I was at the start of the film. Even though I loved Drive, Grand Budapest Hotel and Moonrise Kingdom, I'm not really considered "arty" , maybe thats the problem with why I didnt like Under the Skin. I saw nothing at all enchanting in the film and even less that I would call exciting.

I was just left with these questions

What was she?
Where did she come from?
How did she get here?
Why was she here?
What was happening to the men?
How did the different houses have the same sort of black room inside them?
Who were the guys on the motorbikes?
Where was the red goo going and why?
Why did she leap away during the "bedroom" scene?
If they were aliens, how is it that they could create the technology to cross space, replicate human flesh so accurately, including breasts, clearly showing advanced intelligence, yet have seemingly no concept of what the anatomy of a human was for or involved?
And so on and so on.

In terms of telling a story, I thought it was utterly awful, I dont need all the story to be told to me in a film, but at least SOME of it is useful
(The Prequel) Rise of the Planet of the Apes - 9/10

Just a reminder of how awesome this movie is, and prepare myself for seeing the Prequels Sequel today! :D

Some nice 'Homages' to the originals (Mention of the Icarus etc..) and a few cheesy ones, the "Get your Hands off me! You Damn Dirty Ape" Line from Draco Malfoy!

Great Film... I now hope that 'Dawn of the Planet of the Apes' lives up to the hype!!
Divergent, brilliant film I though


Finished watching it last night and thought it was rubbish. probable give it a 4/10.

If anything I'm surprised the author of the original book isn't facing a lawsuit for nearly ripping off the hunger games.
I saw True Lies last night on the telly.
I remember watching this in the cinema, when it was marketed as a MASSIVE blockbuster. Very expensive movie (as you'd expect with James Cameron).
When it was released, it received rave reviews.
I quite enjoyed it.

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