What film did you watch last night?

(The Prequel) Rise of the Planet of the Apes - 9/10

Just a reminder of how awesome this movie is, and prepare myself for seeing the Prequels Sequel today! :D

Some nice 'Homages' to the originals (Mention of the Icarus etc..) and a few cheesy ones, the "Get your Hands off me! You Damn Dirty Ape" Line from Draco Malfoy!

Great Film... I now hope that 'Dawn of the Planet of the Apes' lives up to the hype!!

(sorry to quote myself)

Just got back from the Prequels Sequel - Dawn of the Planet of the Apes - 9/10

Breaks the jynx of Sequels being crap compared to it's original (or at least the re-boot original).

Loved the '2001' feel of things, thought the tension between Man and Ape was balanced just right, and the inevitable end to it all... Can't wait for the Prequels Sequels Sequel... :D
Finished watching it last night and thought it was rubbish. probable give it a 4/10.

If anything I'm surprised the author of the original book isn't facing a lawsuit for nearly ripping off the hunger games.

Im starting the hunger games ones,first one tonight
Desolation of Smaug

Brilliant film, I'm much preferring The hobbit films to the lotr movies.

Oh and I like how the film ended, left you wanting more and I can't wait!

Brilliant film, I'm much preferring The hobbit films to the lotr movies.

The LOTR movies are about 10x more epic. The first Hobbit movie was also distinctly sub-par. They aren't a patch on the original three movies, but then again neither is the story behind it, so that's to be expected.
Finished watching it last night and thought it was rubbish. probable give it a 4/10.

If anything I'm surprised the author of the original book isn't facing a lawsuit for nearly ripping off the hunger games.

Check out 20 seconds in... :D

He-he... its definitely a love or hate film. Apparently about a third of the audience at Cannes booed at the end, but many also thought it a total masterpiece.

Aren't a lot of those peoiple the type who find the most awkward of films amazing for reasons the rest of the world just go wtf at? :p
Watched the new planet of the apes, i was not hoping for much after the last 2 films, but this one was really good 8/10
I was just left with these questions

What was she?
Where did she come from?
How did she get here?
Why was she here?.... To harvest men,
What was happening to the men?
How did the different houses have the same sort of black room inside them?
Who were the guys on the motorbikes?
Where was the red goo going and why?
Why did she leap away during the "bedroom" scene?
If they were aliens, how is it that they could create the technology to cross space, replicate human flesh so accurately, including breasts, clearly showing advanced intelligence, yet have seemingly no concept of what the anatomy of a human was for or involved?
And so on and so on.

In terms of telling a story, I thought it was utterly awful, I dont need all the story to be told to me in a film, but at least SOME of it is useful

The book spells it out more clearly, not that I've read it; so, for more definitive answers that would be the place to go. The extras also talk about some of the points, such as the houses being kind of portals into the alien world.

I'm not into hardcore, obscure, art-house stuff, but this just worked for me, even if I don't have answers to all that was going on [don't need them really] as a whole it seemed to make sense, though I may be interpreting things wrong.
Tombstone - 8/10 - An oldie but a goodie! Val Kilmer steals the show but one of the best Westerns out there imo!

The Amazing Spiderman 2 - 6/10 - A bit disappointing after the first one! Nice to see the first bit of Spidey historical accuracy with Gwen but tying everything (and everyone!) in with Oscorp is a bit much!@
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