What film did you watch last night?

Well there you go :D
The bigger the system, the better this film is ;) If I watched it in (one of) your home cinema, I'd probably like it even more than I do already

Me, I'm on a humble 40" with a reasonable 5.1 setup and I thought it rocked, though I can understand why some people have problems with certain aspects.
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Well there you go :D
The bigger the system, the better this film is ;)

Me, I'm on a humble 40" with a reasonable 5.1 setup and I thought it rocked, though I can understand why some people have problems with certain aspects.

I saw it at imax and it blew me away....it's one of my favourite films...

I too was very disappointed by this movie.
I watched it on my projector, as I was told that this needed a big screen.
The main problem I had with this is that I couldnt care less if Bullock lived or died.
There were parts where I was willing her to bite the bullet.

Some people say things like "you need to see it on a big screen."

This is nonsense - a good film is a good film is a good film.
I've seen movies which had me hooked, while watching on a small 14" screen.
I remember watching The Green Mile and Open Range. These are 2 movies where I had them on in the background, wasnt really paying attention, but they drew me in - until my full focus was on the movie. Now these are good movies.
Starship Troopers (blu-ray) 8/10 - still one of the best pieces of sci-fi satire ever.

I saw Starship Troopers on a 21" TV, back in the day.
I enjoyed it more than Gravity (which I watched with 5.1 sounds and an 81" screen).

I remember watching The Matrix (back in the day), on a 19" monitor and felt it was one of the best movies I'd ever seen.

I can also mention some turkeys which I saw on my 81" screen.

Screen size has nothing to do with it being a good/bad movie UNLESS you are looking purely at aesthetics, ie. eye candy. Eye candy was a major factor for me when I was 8 yrs old, but at 39...I can see past pretty graphics and colours.

Strong plot-line which is moving at a decent pace.
Good script.
Good acting.
These are what I look for in a movie.

I'm actually quite surprised that Easyrider would be wowed by a big screen...I thought he evaluated movies based on their quality and not the screen size the movie was viewed on. ;)
Gravity is a vehicle for the A/V FX. Nothing more.
It simply isn't going to tick all the boxes that you want. How much of a plot can there be with a such a simple premise?

Starship Troopers (blu-ray) 8/10 - still one of the best pieces of sci-fi satire ever.


I once recommended it to a mate and he came back with, and I quote "That's 2 hours I'll never get back"... But that's because he's the type that takes everything at face value and was too thick to see the blatant satire
He also thought The Terminator was crap and 'budget', so there you go... :rolleyes:
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Strong plot-line which is moving at a decent pace.
Good script.
Good acting.
These are what I look for in a movie.

I'm actually quite surprised that Easyrider would be wowed by a big screen...I thought he evaluated movies based on their quality and not the screen size the movie was viewed on. ;)

I wasn't...I was wowed by the excellent acting....excellent script and brilliant plot...Gravity is a film that tackles existentialism....the arrogance of human beings and so much more....

The visuals merely anchored the true meaning behind what it quite frankly a masterpiece in modern day cinema.

Next you will be spouting that you found 2001 boring....lmao
You do have point with the semi-hidden meanings, but I'd still say that it's ultimately a device to showcase pioneering visuals, and the fact is that it is a massively different/better experience when viewed as intended on a big screen with sound to match.
You do have point with the semi-hidden meanings, but I'd still say that it's ultimately a device to showcase pioneering visuals, and the fact is that it is a massively different/better experience when viewed as intended on a big screen with sound to match.

It's not my fault if people don't see the subtext when watching a film....I mean people in this thread thought the equaliser was good FFs!

This thread delivers !!!!!:D
I'm not sure what swathes of existentialism you're seeing in Gravity, but then I don't think its a bad film either. I found it very exhilarating.

2001 was in large parts bewildering, mind you...
Fincher was on the Kermode/Mayo podcast the other week and did say that the back end of the film is intended to get a bit over the top and silly.

Ahh, that's a bit better then. A couple of scenes did have an obvious tongue in cheek element to it, especially with the delivery from Rosamund, but with the overal serious tone of the rest of the film I had put that down as unintentional.
Don Jon - Awful, awful ,awful. I watched the first 30 mins and gave up. Self indulgent tripe with hugely unlikable characters. 1/10

I am glad it wasn't just me who thought that film is a steaming pile of excrement. An hour and a half of my life I will never get back (yeah I watched it till the end!) :(
I'm not sure what swathes of existentialism you're seeing in Gravity...

He didn't. Someone clever did and stuck it in a review and our Easyrider thought it would make him sound intelligent by putting it here.

Of course he will claim that the existentialism was obvious to all with a keen movie intellect such as his. If this were the case why does he try to validate his opinion by saying that Kermode agrees with him? So what if he does?!

Anyway. I watched the Inbetweeners 2 movie. Better than the first but I'm still not convinced they work well outside of a tv series.

He didn't. Someone clever did and stuck it in a review and our Easyrider thought it would make him sound intelligent by putting it here.

Of course he will claim that the existentialism was obvious to all with a keen movie intellect such as his. If this were the case why does he try to validate his opinion by saying that Kermode agrees with him? So what if he does?!

Anyway. I watched the Inbetweeners 2 movie. Better than the first but I'm still not convinced they work well outside of a tv series.


You cant have ago at someones intellect then mention about watching the Inbetweeners movie:p
He didn't. Someone clever did and stuck it in a review and our Easyrider thought it would make him sound intelligent by putting it here.

Of course he will claim that the existentialism was obvious to all with a keen movie intellect such as his. If this were the case why does he try to validate his opinion by saying that Kermode agrees with him? So what if he does?!

I teach A level film studies..it's so obvious if you know where to look...

As for kermode? He ranked Frank as his number one film of 2014....he doesn't always get it right! ;)
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