What film did you watch last night?

I'm currently about halfway through one of my "it's only 99p how bad can it be" blu-rays.

In the case of "Knight of the dead", I think the answer is very very bad.
Probably about a 2 out of 10.
I'm not even sure I'm going to put it on in the background for the last half hour it's got to run, it's that bad :)
It's obvious that someone is thinking of rebooting the Equalizer series. The new movie has it's moments, but it's missing the soul of the original series. Denzel is usually good, but it's like he can't really get into it. Chloe Moritz steals every scene she's in, and she's hardly in it at all.

Edward Woodward in a suit and Jag, playing an upmarket version of his old Callan character. He doesn't need to run around a B&Q in a big shootout, because he would have stepped out of the shadows the night before and put a bullet in the back of the bad guy's head. All with a cool English accent and Stewart Copeland's synth and drums soundtrack.

Tell me that intro isn't more cool than the whole of the new movie.
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Rampage and Rampage: Capital Punshment
Not the first time I watched these. I thought these were pretty damn good, though rather disturbing.
Couldn't believe some of the reviewers who didn't like the second one purely because they wanted to see more people being killed :rolleyes: *Whoosh* That's people for you...
Uwe Boll can make a decent film after all, though these definitely aren't for everyone.

Brendan Fletcher puts in an excellent performance in each. His character makes some very good points, but his idea of how to sort out the world's problems is just bat**** crazy.

If you want to see Uwe Boll at his best, check out DARFUR. It's uncompromising, unflinching, and horrifically real. When the guy really has something to say, he manages to do well. It's crazy just how completely polar his output can be.
If you want to see Uwe Boll at his best, check out DARFUR. It's uncompromising, unflinching, and horrifically real. When the guy really has something to say, he manages to do well. It's crazy just how completely polar his output can be.

It's because all his crap films are merely tax benefit vehicles and designed to pull money out of various EU movie grant systems.
The Pyramid...horror movie from the guy who made Hills Have Eyes.

A few archaeologists find a super size pyramid in the middle of the desert, go in, things go wrong, something starts killing them. Pretty standard stuff but the creature design was superb.

Also stars Jay from Inbetweeners acting like a scared Jay from Inbetweeners.

Watched this movie on the basis of the last line alone. It's spot on :D:D
Hobbit - Battle of the 5 armies.
Loved it, 8.5/10 - I've docked it half a point due to the many references in the film which mean they should have known more than they did in LOTR (Gandalf for example) than they did which kind of breaks the whole "OMG its Sauron" moments in LOTR.
Assembly - 8/10

A Chinese war film, set initially in 1948 during the Chinese Civil War, it is about a company of men on a forlorn and bloody mission during the Huaihai campaign.

The first half of the film is all visceral action, intense, brutal and then it changes pace and becomes a moving and sad story about the surviving Captain and how he tried to reconcile his feelings of guilt and grief over what happened and to get recognition for his men.

Based on a true story this is much closer to a film like SPR than Fury

Doom. Absolute rubbish. Poor story, stereotypical characters particularly the so called special forces which Hollywood as usual depicts as a bunch of unpleasant soldiers who do not work as a team and all have issues. Why Hollywood feels the need to have people with guns cocking their weapons every five minutes escapes me. Gave up half way through.

The Maze Runner. Why did I waste nearly two hours of my life watching this? I have little clue what the film was about, some post apocalyptical experiment I think. Trying to cash in on the Hunger Game theme I suspect. Cannot recommend.
The Great Gatsby - Atmospheric and colourful, a visual delight but the soundtrack is out of place. A subtle performance from DiCaprio and Tobey Maguire a surprise with a fine performance. Stick with it and you won’t be disappointed. 7/10
Ted 3/10 really didn't enjoy it and it firmly cemented my opinion of Seth MacFarlane as an unfunny idiot. Still for Mila Kunis it gets 3.
The Maze Runner

Utter Dross


I didn't think it was that bad myself. Saying that though, I had just watched Divergent before seeing this so my bar had been set very low.

role models - an old one but i haven't seen it before - loved it 8/10

Aye this is a good film and one I shall now seek out again.

Ted 3/10 really didn't enjoy it and it firmly cemented my opinion of Seth MacFarlane as an unfunny idiot. Still for Mila Kunis it gets 3.

Oh man, this was the best film of 2012 for me but I will say, so far after having seen his next film, it's one good and one bad imo.
Doom. Absolute rubbish. Poor story, stereotypical characters particularly the so called special forces which Hollywood as usual depicts as a bunch of unpleasant soldiers who do not work as a team and all have issues. Why Hollywood feels the need to have people with guns cocking their weapons every five minutes escapes me. Gave up half way through.

This was on ITV wasn't it?
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