What film did you watch last night?

Space Pirate Captain Harlock (3D anime sc-fi) 9/10.
Probably the best CGI film I've seen. Good story and spot on animation and the 1hr45min time goes quickly.

Cheers for the recommendation, that was ace!

Can't wait for the day we have ingame graphics like that.

Couldnt get along with American Sniper, not one of Eastwoods best by a long shot. Cooper is superb and his Texas accent is spot on but it gets a little too much 'flag waving' at the end, especially considering Kyle wasnt such the nice guy people like to think he was.

You do realise the flag waving at the end is actual footage from kyles funeral don't you? :o
2005 War of the Worlds. If they released an updated version that removed the whiney kinds entirely it would have been more immensely more watch-able. Dakota Fanning in particular shoulda been dumped at the side of the road at the earliest convenience so her general bitching and screaming wouldn't be in the movie as long as it was.
Real steel 5/10
Real crap

a chick flick featuring lost woman Kate and wolverine with nonsense boxing robots
I'm 15 minutes into What We Do in the Shadows and I've never laughed so much.
This is brilliant.

The start was slow, but thankfully the film picked up with some good moments (the werewolves save the whole thing imo), but certainly not the lolfest I was hoping for.

Foxcatcher - 8/10

Not the type of film you should see when you're tired because it is pretty slow paced. It's a character study as much as anything. The acting is superb from all involved, particularly Steve Carell.

Just got back from seeing this, it was extremely boring.
Really long, little happens and it has a few plot threads that go no where.

I didn't like Carells performance, it didn't seem anything special. Where as Tatum and Ruffalo were absolutely on point.

It gave very little explanation as to why stuff happened, and even though it was fairly clear why a bit more exposition and insight would have been much better
Fury 8/10

Really enjoyed this. Conveyed both the bravado and the horror of what I imagine being in a war situation would be like.

At the end I can assure you war is not like that ...
People actually would blow up if you threw two grenades in a tank...and attacks don't stand still for cheesy lines to be said in the height of battle

Fury was guff ... Promising up to the first tank battle then it just got silly
At the end I can assure you war is not like that ...
People actually would blow up if you threw two grenades in a tank...and attacks don't stand still for cheesy lines to be said in the height of battle

Fury was guff ... Promising up to the first tank battle then it just got silly

Got to agree

Everything just went to pot in the final battle, when they first scouted the oncoming German troops there were loads of them carrying RPG's or similar guns yet when It came to the fight only 2-3 were used.
Got to agree

Everything just went to pot in the final battle, when they first scouted the oncoming German troops there were loads of them carrying RPG's or similar guns yet when It came to the fight only 2-3 were used.

It also took what seemed like FOREVER for them to get there. He must have been running at some speed to get that far ahead!

The tracer rounds looked like something out of Star Wars also lol
A Lonely Place to Die - 7.5 / 10

A tense thriller based on a group of climbers in the Scottish Highlands who come across a kidnapped young girl and try to save her.

Watched this last night, I'd give it the same score, acting was a little poor in places but the scenery was bloody amazing.
The Theory Of Everything...glad it concentrated more on his personal side than the science of it, most of which goes over my head. Could feel my eyes welling up on numerous occasions but one certain part virtually had me about to start sobbing. Had I been at home, i'd have unashamedly had a good cry.

When he's with his wife after seeing the queen and he's typing something, then it reads "look what we made"...tears ahoy

9/10, it's been over 10 years since something hit me on such an emotional level. He deserves an oscar.
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