What film did you watch last night?

I watched Birdman the other day. Expecting to enjoy it a lot based on the hype and recognition it has got.

I found myself admiring it more than enjoying it. I wonder if I'm not fully 'getting' everything I could be, but aside from a few moments and Ed Norton's performance I'm finding it hard to call it an enjoyable film.

Pretty much the same, the acting was good but I watched it all more in hope that something was going to happen, not sure what but something and it never did. So you ended up feeling, is that it?
The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. A little grim, but I thought it was pretty good. A bit cold, I mean it was a little hard to care about the characters, which was not helped by Daniel Craig being incredibly wooden. Also thought it dragged a bit towards the end here she is stealing the money. 7/10

Sharknado 2. Absolutely awful, but quite enjoyable. I have no idea how to score it!
John Q

The film is basically one long political message. Also, as someone who knows quite a bit about heart conditions, I found the medical side of the film beyond laughable. I thought films were supposed to have medical advisers working with them. This was just ridiculous. 5/10

Kill The Irishman

I enjoyed this film apart from a feeling that it was too fast. I know people hate on long drawn out movies, but this one rocketed through the years so fast, I forgot where we was in the story sometimes. Walken is very good, but he was sadly underused imo. If you like car bombs you'll have a great time with this. 7/10
Wild Card (2015) - 4/10

Not really what was expected, with a setting and plot which focuses more on the drama and character development than the action. Unfortunately, Statham doesn’t have the charisma to carry the lead role, although he is entertaining to watch during the few overly stylised action sequences. The story is nothing special, all the characters are stereotypes, Las Vegas is shown as a dirty city beneath its thin veneer of glitz, and the action scenes are very violent but for little benefit.

The Gunman (2015) - 2/10

Starts off well, but the minimal plot is predictable throughout and although the film bounds along through lot of set pieces in different countries, it fails to thrill or excite. The film does highlight an issue in the developing world, but the Hollywood happy ending undermines any impact it was aiming for. The actions scenes are ok, being loud, explosive and bloody, but the characters are dull and Penn looks far too old to be an action hero.
Anchorman 2.

Other than a few - and I mean a few - laugh out loud moments, it was a chore to watch. Terrible plot, terrible dialogue and just really odd unfunny jokes. 2/10.

Shame as the original was actually good and funny.
Quite entertaining I suppose. I enjoyed it, and I'm aiming to watch the follow up before the next Avengers is released. 7/10

Taken 3
Well it's a "Taken" movie in name only really, and it's certainly not as good as the previous two. I thought the action scenes were especially bad. Average movie at best really. 4/10
Edge of Tomorrow

Pretty decent sc-fi flick, though the "Yay, everyone is all ok" ending lost it a few points. I believe the source material had a much better ending but still, a solid 7/10
Champs: 8/10

Interesting and fascinating documentary by Mike Tyson, about the rise and fall of heavyweight champs and there life after the ring. Being a big boxing fan I really enjoyed it, was a gripping effort and would recommend to any boxing fan.
Champs: 8/10

Interesting and fascinating documentary by Mike Tyson, about the rise and fall of heavyweight champs and there life after the ring. Being a big boxing fan I really enjoyed it, was a gripping effort and would recommend to any boxing fan.

I thought I'd take a look at this, and I wasn't disappointed. Quite moving in parts 7.5 / 10.
Dead Rising Watchtower 6/10

Based on Dead Rising 3 for the most part, decent enough zombie flick. Has loads of recognisable items from said video game, but alas no 'mash up' vehicles.

Meghan Ory stars, so worth watch for her hotness :D

Well worth a download, err, I mean stream for you favourite paid for provider ;)
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