What film did you watch last night?

clearly couldn't afford to buy her a bra after they spent so much on the sfx.

san andreas was trash but I enjoyed it.

Saw Spy, a film I expected to be dire but was actually very entertained
I wonder if there's a special edition of San Andreas for Italy where at the end they put some seismologists in prison?
Autumn Blood. In a remote village where most residents are unable to speak, the local nudist is raped by a man who mutilates the bodies of dead animals to satisfy an unspecified desire. At this point the plot starts to get weird. :eek: :confused:

If you're a fan of Shirin Heydaripour you might want to check it out. 7/10.
Series 3 of Only Fools & Horses - 10/10

Having a marathon of it, absolute timeless classic, doesn't fail to make me laugh every single time I watch it (seen them all more times than I care to remember) my all time favourite comedy, coming from South London I grew up on this so it relates very well.

"You didn't know your father did you trig?"
"Nah Del, he died 2 years before I was born"

Frenzy, a later Hitchcock film i hadn't seen before but was pleasantly surprised. And disgusted. Eesh. "Lovely" is ruined forever.
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Never realised only fools was a film

7/10 Pretty good movie only knew it was a true story when I got to credits at the end, some very hard to watch scenes in it, but worth it
Outpost-Black Sun (Horror Channel!)

Not just armies of undead Zombies! Not just evil Nazi scientists and their secret weapons! Not just an Nazi plot to bring about the Fourth Reich!

Its ALL of the above! :D

What could be better than that? Its an even better plot than "Sharknado" (Yes that's right. Tornadoes with Sharks! :p )

Now, with a plot line like that, it would either be so cringeworthy that I would have ended up in A&E having my buttocks surgically unclenched or it might actually be pretty good.

I call the latter!

Think the squad from "Dog Soldiers" goes to Castle Wolfenstein.

And loads of loose ends, unresolved issues and things that have not been explained and even an unexpected twist right at the end! So there is plenty of room for a sequel. (I hope its a good one)

I'd certainly watch it again.
Survivor (2015) - 1/10

A very tepid and poor pursuit film that has one or two good scenes, but is mostly slow and boring to watch. None of the characters have any personality, the sequence of events is dull and uninspired, and the plot manages to be unrealistic, convoluted and tiresome.
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