What film did you watch last night?

17 Again. It's Big, but backwards, and crap. Zac Efron is a very handsome man, which I'm prepared to believe is a big draw for the gullible teen girl target audience, but that wasn't fooling me.
V/H/S. What could be better than a cheapo found footage horror movie? A cheapo found footage movie with multiple cheapo found footage movies inside it!

At least, that was the theory.

Centurion (2010)

I ended up watching this on Channel 5 last night. Had seen it before but forgot about it. I rather like it, although it's no classic. Just a decent bit of proper gory sword and sandal combat. Olga Kurylenko's character is hot too and represents a fresh slant on the villain imo. My only criticism is with the end:

They are running from the Picts the entire movie and being pursued across miles and miles. Finally at the end they decide to stop running and just fight them. When they do, they basically pwn them within 5 minutes even though outnumbered 3-1 or something. Just made me laugh. They basically could have done that to begin with and not bothered running.

I prefer chronicles to pitch black. Technically yes pitch black is a good film but I am not a fan of the horror genre at all, where as chronicles of riddick is just a good fun easily rewatchable space sci-fi. The last one however was just drivel.

Absolutely agree with you 100%.

Pitch Black is a good film but I'm really not into sci-horror but of course it does form part of the storyline.

Chronicles is a great film, probably in my top 10 for sure. I appreciate it's quite cheesy in places but ticks all the boxes from what I expect from a film in this genre.

I'm not a massive animated film fan but Dark Fury is definitely worth a watch to give a bit of back story between Pitch Black and Chronicles, particularly in relation to the character 'Jack'.

The latest one was OK but weakest of the lot IMO.

I have no idea why they haven't made Butcher Bay into a film - the game was good with a reasonable storyline and would have made a much better addition to the Riddick franchise than the last release.
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Mad Max Fury Road. 6/10

And I think that's been generous. Some good special effects and all, but, to be honest I was bored watching it. Didn't care about any of the characters, Basically a 2 hour car chase.
Mad Max Fury Road. 6/10

And I think that's been generous. Some good special effects and all, but, to be honest I was bored watching it. Didn't care about any of the characters, Basically a 2 hour car chase.

Movie synopsis: The worlds biggest u-turn since Forest Gump
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Bunraku - 5/10

Overly long, overly clichéd, and with few exceptions overly bland.

They literally made no effort at all to do anything that's not been done 1000s of times in other films. If you've ever seen a revenge flick, you've seen this film. You know the outcome. You know pretty much scene-by-scene what is going to happen.

Those kinds of films are the most disappointing. Does nobody have an original thought these days?
Mr Holmes.

Turned if off maybe less than half way in.

Maybe I'm missing something but it was a snooze fest.

Can be bothered to rate it as its made me tired.
Casino Royale. Doing a Daniel Craig Bond re-watch before Spectre with the missus. She has not seen Casino. But it was great to revisit Craig's first outing as 007. Solid 8/10 for me.
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