Tomb Raider.
What a load of toss. I'd managed to avoid it for 14 years suspecting that it'd be a load of crap but last night I bit the bullet and watched it. The dialogue at times is so out of place it'd be a bit like inserting a few lines of Debby Does Dallas in to a Tom & Jerry cartoon, the references to the game (which I played the hell out of on the PS1) were so forced and clunky they might as well have given them their own introduction sequence and had someone with a megaphone on the side going "FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO DON'T KNOW, THIS PART WHERE ANGELINA JOLIE HAS TRIANGLE BOOBIES IS A REFERENCE TO THE GAME, BUT YOU WOULDN'T KNOW 'COS YOU WEREN'T THERE MAN". Speaking of Jolie's boobies, they were literally triangular. Like jelly tots. Her knockers must've been serious squished up to get them to perform in such a shape.
Now I don't actively look for cans in films but I can appreciate the finer things in life, and I've never looked twice at Jolie's cans in particular, it's just that they were so badly formed in this film I found myself staring at them in almost every scene out of pure curiosity that this actually managed to make it to screen.
She has her pistols on her thighs as in the game, but these things would probably dwarf Vin Diesel, how she managed to walk around without them ripping her limbs off is beyond me. The fight scenes were odd, as in you couldn't make out what was going on. You'd see a close up of a fist hitting a face, then suddenly someone else would fall to the floor, then Lara would dodge a bullet and someone else would fall to the floor, it just made no sense. They didn't flow at all. Then Jolie would flop these two huge pistols out and start zapping everyone with them. One thing I can say for sure is that if the Hulk ever needs milking, Jolie has the hands and wrists for the job, cos those things probably have more recoil than a Sherman.
Terrible. 2/10.
Also, women don't have triangular boobs ffs.