What film did you watch last night?

Suffragette. 7/10.

Quite moving and important depiction of historic events. Enjoyed this film a lot, was quite an emotional story and Carey Mulligan is good in the lead role. Interesting audience demographic too, at least 80% women.

Was a bit worried though as I took my gf to see it who asked "so, suffragette, what's that about then?".... Facepalm.

More depressing is that all that is in the cinemas now is the odd horror flick in time for Halloween and dawn till dusk screenings of spectre which now runs over virtually every screen....meh.
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Gangs of New York. At nearly 3 hours, this buttock-numbing epic from Martin Scorsesese will have you changing cheeks every 20 minutes. Liam H. Neeson fakes an awful Irish accent for his brief appearance but you forgive him after hearing Leonardo DiCaprio's effort, which is even worse.

With more begorrahs and O'McFitzSeanesseys than a Brooklyn quarter mile, this quaint glimpse into a happier, simpler time will delight and inform viewers of all ages.

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Avengers, Age of Ultron - 6/10

I'm being a wee bit more critical of this one, because to me it represents more of the same. There is little originality here. Little that we haven't seen in previous Marvel films. In fact many elements - even plot elements - were directly re-cycled from the previous Avengers film.

Even the main antagonist was a disappointment.

Some of the main characters (esp Downy Jr) were phoning it in this time, I'm afraid. Very little enthusiasm from him, and he was very much just going through the motions. Seems he's as bored as the rest of us.

With a fantasy universe of almost limitless potential, and a myriad of stories to tell, it's unfortunate that they chose to tell such a well-trodden, mediocre, "seen it all before" tale.

Good film but about half way through I became extremely angry and left feeling more so by the film's end. Not because of the film itself but the true events that it depicts. How ******* hard is it to buy helicopters? Although going by the shambles that is MOD extremely so clearly, ranging from the Chinook HC3 fiasco to the barely performing Merlin that's not even available in decent numbers to this day.

That's not counting other mistakes like basic mapping of the area when mine maps were available and poor radio equipment.
Scott Pilgrim vs The World - 9/10 ... I am biased seen it many times .... loved this movie from the first frame of the 8 bit Universal logo, its a marmite movie you'll either love it or hate it.

My Cousin Vinny - 8/10 ... Again its another rewatch, its one of those classic feelgood movies for me.

Jonah Hex - 5/10 ... it was ok, interesting for the soundtrack by Mastodon but pretty generic budget movie in the end.
I worked on Merlins for 5 years in both Iraq and Afghanistan and your statement isn't factual at all.

The rest of your comments were though :D

Well granted I am operating with the outdated and anecdotal evidence from some people I know in the navy from some time ago but still stands that there was an insufficient number of them operating in theatres not to mention lack of correct configurations.
Well granted I am operating with the outdated and anecdotal evidence from some people I know in the navy from some time ago but still stands that there was an insufficient number of them operating in theatres not to mention lack of correct configurations.

Merlin didnt deploy to Afghan until 2009 (Kajaki was in 2006)

Kajaki is a great film anyhow
Everest '82 (DVD is listed just as Everest) - released 2008. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0791274/

Wasn't expecting much from this made for TV Mini Series that I picked up from Asda for £3, but pleasantly surprised.

Other than a guest starring William Shatner, there are no other big names, but it didn't stop it from being a decent drama detailing the story of the first Canadians to climb Everest. As you would expect there are some accidents and disasters along the way, whilst some of the main characters play off against each other over trust and some poor decision making.

Even though this was nearly 3 hours long, it seemed to fly by at a decent rate and was thoroughly enjoyable. 7/10.
Watched a few....

Saving Private Ryan - 9.5/10

Finally got round to watching this classic and it didn't disappoint.

Insidious Chapter 3 - 3/10

Oh dear.. nowhere near as good as the first two.

I Spit on Your Grave 3 Vengeance is Mine - 4/10

Gory in places but overall it isn't very good and I can't really recommend it.
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