What film did you watch last night?

Liam H. Neeson fakes an awful Irish accent for his brief appearance but you forgive him after hearing Leonardo DiCaprio's effort, which is even worse.

Pardon my ignorance of accents, but he's as close to Irish as they come (without being from the Republic), being from NI. Is there that much of a difference?
me action scenes are awesome but still thought it was a bit meh.

I want to watch that again, I've got the Blu-ray sat on the side here (but no time to watch it).

The conversation between the mob boss and garage guy pretty much said all you needed to know about what was likely to happen in about 3 sentences.
The Day the Earth Stood Still. Scott Derrickson confirms what we've all suspected for some time: Keanu Reeves is an alien, and so are the Chinese. Unfortunately he never gets around to explaining why Jaden Smith wasn't drowned at birth.

I've seen this movie before, and hoped it would improve over time. It hasn't.


*sigh*. I was ready to love this film like I loved the 3 previous Craig films. But its like Sam Mendes found a dusty book of Bond cliches down the sofa and dusted it off.

The more I think about it the more bits bother me, from plot holes to continuity issues, to bad one liners and obvious what comes next bits. The action scenes tried too hard and seemed drawn out (especially the car chase that was about 3x too long), to just down right daft.


Back in Time (Back to the future documentary 30 years on) 7/10

Great little documentary about the BTTF trilogy, with the actors and props and behind the scenes look, BTTF trilogy is probably my favourite films of all time, absolute masterpiece.
Michael J Fox interviews were heartbreaking to watch him slurring and jittering about due to his parkinsons :(

I enjoyed it, but felt it tried to be in too many places, and didn't seem to spend long enough in any of them. There were a few issues, but to be honest, it's a Bond film, I didn't go for intricate plots, I went for the guns, helicopters, girls and explosions, and for that, it was very good.....
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