Pandorum. 8/10
I enjoyed it, I also enjoyed the fact that 30 minutes in the main character runs into a ****ing NINJA and it took me several minutes to think "haaaaaang on a minute!", and even then I didn't really care.
I liked the monsters, they seemed a lot more viable than some movies and the explanation for them worked for me, interesting characters that even with only 5/10 minutes backstory between them didn't seem out of place, besides the aforementioned Ninja of course who doesn't really do anything but be a mother ****ing Ninja and honestly what more could you want? Well designed sets and decent writing.
Also the movie managed to stay interesting and exciting whilst not going overboard on locations, most of the movie is spent in corridors and a couple of recurring rooms but they never get dull.
One of the highlights for me was when the protagonist and his merry band consisting of "The hot female" and "The mother ****ing NINJA" meat some crazy black dude and he goes on to explain how exactly the ship ended up the way it did, it is done in a single room and consists of nothing but him talking but the effects and the camera work make it seem much like he's talking about a legend, which I imagine is the entire point and tbh is a bit obvious on that but hey, it worked for me.