What film did you watch last night?

True Romance - 7/10

Random showing at the local Cineworld, I had never seen it before and it was pretty good.

That scene with Hopper and Walken - one of my favourite movie scenes ever.

A really great film. So many great actors/performances.

Even Mrs Cheesyboy liked it. Despite the violence, it's a love story.
There's a cineworld unlimited card secret screening the day before the star wars movie is released. I wonder what that could be....

The Phantom Menace <spit>.

It's a ploy by Disney.....

"If the new Star Wars film doesn't live up to your expectations there's no way it can disappointed to this level."
Når Dyrene Drømmer. Controversial director Jonas Alexander Arnby presents his interpretation of Rasmus Birch's screenplay based on an original idea by Christoffer Boe. The result is a traditional Danish body horror that starts well but quickly loses its tension and never recovers.

Modest performances from Lars H. Mikkelsen, Jakob Oftebro, and Gustav Dyekjær Giese are overshadowed by the arresting presence of Sonia Suhl, but it's not quite enough to rescue the film.

Når Dyrene Drømmer is set in Allinge-Sandvig but was filmed in Snogebæk because of the Muslims.

Wolf of Wallstreet

Watched it again. Epic film.

It's weak. It didn't have the courage of its own convictions. There is no way those characters would have held back from saying "the n word" so it breaks the illusion of the film that the film is too scared to say it.

I didn't like it for a whole swath of other reasons, but that sticks in my mind as being a particular flaw of the film.
I watched Minions last night.

Loved it, for some reason they just make me smile and remind me a lot of some of the old Loony Tunes secondary characters (the likes of the hairy monster that used to be the assistant of the mad scientist).

Probably an easy 8/10 for being a fun story, thoroughly enjoyable and I suspect a fair bit of rewatch capacity (I'm sure I missed a bunch of background jokes and references).
Event Horizon, had forgotten how much I liked this movie and a fantastic cast. 9/10

Amazing to think that its almost 20 years old, not sure there has been any great films of its genre since
Flutter. Joe H. Anderson puts in a gritty performance for this dark psychological drama with a sprinkling of black humour and a touch of Guy Ritchie. The plot's ambiguities are reasonably well balanced but not fully explored, which left me wanting more.

Mark Williams deserves special credit for his role as the man sitting on an ostrich egg.

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