What film did you watch last night?

Agree with Mariusz, Rocky IV is for me the end of the 'true' Rocky films. Rocky V was rubbish (I went to Cinema and hated it as a teen) and to this day; should never have been made. The Rocky saga should have finished with Rocky paying homage to Apollo during the end of IV. :)
I actually prefer Rocky 5 to 4 and 3. 3 and 4 are just so cheesy.

In truth, the first is the only great one in the line-up, with 2 and 6 being decent.
Before Sunrise - surprisingly sweet and brief romance set over less than 24 hours, looking forward to the sequels. 4/5

It's one of the best trilogy ever made.

On paper it sound naff and boring but the two leads have so much chemistry, their interaction between each other feels so real, the dialogue is great and through it all, in those few hours it really get to know them.

Love them.
Cloud Atlas

Great film..love the interweaving storyline...Hugo weaving whatta guy :D. Music also fantastic



Up there with other greats like 2001, Alien et Al. Nolan is a master spellbinding weaver of a story. music and sound effects in a league of its own. Best sci-fi film in long time. Gives the chills every time I watch it....Better than inception IMHO as well. (that was Epic as well)



Funny tongue in cheek spy genre with both Law and Statham hamming it up for laughs...Statham was hilarious

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It's one of the best trilogy ever made.

On paper it sound naff and boring but the two leads have so much chemistry, their interaction between each other feels so real, the dialogue is great and through it all, in those few hours it really get to know them.

Love them.

I agree, the first is still my favourite. But it really is a great trilogy.
[WWZ Rant] There were only 2 ideas's (just 4 words) that made it from the book to screen - The title and the main character being from the UN, thats it. It's a disgrace to the multi-million selling best selling book to think " I know, lets ignore everything which made it popular and do something completely different but trick people into watching it by keeping the same name". [/WWZ rant]

The Hard Way (1991) - 6/10 - James Woods is fantastic in this meta police thriller as a Detective who is forced to take megastar actor Nick Lang (Michael J Fox) under his wing so Fox can carry out some character studies. I loved it when it first came out but time hasn't been too kind, especially to MJF whose performance is the weakest of the 3 main characters.
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The Gift (2015) both the wife and I loved it.

Suspense building psychological thriller with some seriously uncomfortable moments, fantastic pacing and a great conclusion. 9/10
Grizzly Man. Werner Herzog's documentary about Timothy Treadwell, a self-proclaimed bear expert who lived with wild bears for 13 summers in Alaska... Until he was eaten by a bear. A fascinating study of a bizarre character, who tbh I ended up not having much sympathy for. Despite his obvious problems he shot some great stuff, and I am pleased that Herzog got hold of it and was able to make this film, as it is a story worth telling,and whatever you think about him, his footage deserves to be seen and his story deserves to be told.

One of the best documentaries I've ever seen.


Btw the whole doc is on YouTube if anyone wants to watch it.
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Winter on Fire (2015)



A documentary on the unrest in Ukraine during 2013 and 2014, as student demonstrations supporting European integration grew into a violent revolution calling for the resignation of President Viktor F. Yanukovich.

Stunning Netflix documentary that pulls no punch's, whilst we somewhat frivolously argue about leaving the EU scores of Ukrainians lay down their lives to join!! Must see.

Highly recommended
Grizzly Man. Werner Herzog's documentary about Timothy Treadwell, a self-proclaimed bear expert who lived with wild bears for 13 summers in Alaska... Until he was eaten by a bear. A fascinating study of a bizarre character, who tbh I ended up not having much sympathy for. Despite his obvious problems he shot some great stuff, and I am pleased that Herzog got hold of it and was able to make this film, as it is a story worth telling.

One of the best documentaries I've ever seen.


Btw the whole doc is on YouTube if anyone wants to watch it.

God I remember watching that I think it was on Chanel 4 a few years ago, really disturbing. I don't understand how people can get so comfortable with animals it's so strange to me and he was such an odd duck, the way he kept saying "I love you" was so weird. It's interesting to see how many supporters he had back then but I also wonder how many people really challenged him too.
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