Had a blow out over the past few months so here's a review Overload!!! -
IP Man 1, 2, "Prequel" & "Final Fight" - 4/10 but 8/10 for the martial arts -The same basic idea in every film gets boring quickly but the action sequences are amazing in IP Man 1 & 2 and very good in the two "non-canon" films which were a prequel and an old man version.
Absolutely Everything - 5/10 - Simon Pegg in the UK version of Bruce Almighty with Aliens instead of God bestowing his powers. Kate Beckingsale was far too attractive for the role but the film benefits from that.
Ted 2 - 6/10 - Loved the first but this felt a bit flat in lots of places with me, although I still LOL'd at several scenes. I don't know what blackmail material Seth MacFarlane has over Giovanni Ribisi but he really should be in better films than this (+ million ways to die etc).
Ant-Man - 6/10 - The Marvel films are all starting to feel a bit "samey" now but I felt the 3 main characters were well cast and the effects worked well, even if the bad guy used star wars sound effects for his blasters!
Everest - 4/10 - A very good book which doesn't translate well to film with far too little time given to the huge list of characters. Some very obvious "shot in a studio" scenes broke the tension for me but some of the real scenery shots were amazing.
Transporter 4 - 2/10 - The marks are purely for the stunt driving and the ladies, everything else was awful, EVERYTHING!
Trainwreck -5/10 - Amy Schumer playing Amy Schumer. If you like her then you'll like this film more, I found it to be average although it's the first film starring Bill Hader where I didn't want to punch him in the face every second he was on screen. For me it was saved by Brie Larson who put in a much better performance than the film deserved.
Hitman Agent 47 - 3/10 - Worse than the first, thats how bad it was! Bonus points (like Transporter) for the stunt driving but nothing else.
American Ultra - 7/10 - I thought the casting of the two mains was perfect and it was the first film in which I actually liked Kristen Stewart. However Topher Grace was true to form, trying to destroy every film he's been in with what he calls "acting", badly miscast in the role. The "waking up a sleeper" story has been done before but here it was done adequately.
Man from U.N.C.L.E - 7/10 - While I find that Guy Richies "style" is getting very repetitive and a bit boring with all the cut-back scenes, I really liked the three leads and the setting/look even if the story was pretty poor. I did like idea of the West/East technology flip with the Russians having better tech.
Minions - 3/10 - A 15 minute short stretched beyond breaking point to make it a full length film, however, still laughed like a loon at a few points - BANANA!!!
Mission Impossible 5 - 7/10 - Tom cruise plays Ethan Hunt so well it's almost not acting. Simon Pegg was a bit of a misfire for me and the rest of the team did nothing of note (although I was surprised to see Renner's newly downgraded role) but the new girl Rebecca Ferguson more than held her own. The stunts were magnificent as usual for a Tom Cruise flick.
Fantastic 4 - 4/10 - Pretty good special effects, pretty rubbish everything else, although I didn't think it was awful as some have suggested (but it is still poor). The idea to reboot with "angsty teenagers" mis-fired badly for me.
Pixels - 3/10 - Love Adam Sandler movies (even Grown-Ups etc) but he's really making me start to regret watching his stuff now. Good idea but pretty much bad everything else, except the CGI which was very good though.
Spy - 6/10 - Loved the OTT Statham, thought the story was very un-original but it was funny a lot of the time with the two female leads playing against each other quite well in the insult department. However I can't stand Miranda Hart and she was a waste of screen time for me (very subjective I know).