What film did you watch last night?

I couldn't fault the actors performances, and I liked the intensity of the claustrophobic nature, with them all in the one room. What didn't make it as memorable as other Tarantino films was the lack of memorable soundtrack.

As for filming it in ultra panavision I certainly appreciated watching it at the cinema especially the big scenic shots.

I thought the score was amazing but then I am a big ennio Morricone fan
The Good Dinosaur 8/10. Really good film for the kids, though be warned both of mines got upset and there were tears. Once I dried my eyes the kids were fine though.
The Revenant - 2 of my absolute favorite actors in the same film with Hardy & Leo, so it was already a 7/10 before even watching it :) Fantastic performance (as always) by both, loved the scenery and locations (sometimes too much though) 8/10

The Martian - Decent film and another good performance from Matt, 7/10

Whiplash - fantastically gripping, wasn't expecting it. 9/10 JK does a role of a lifetime.
Need some recommendations for late night films, something that dont make my sub go off, the imitation game is probably the quietest film ive watched of late
I love this film, seen it so many times

iirc it was one of Peter Jacksons early ones when he finally got a budget together rather than doing his home movies like Bad Taste and Brain Dead :D

Brain Dead is one of them films everyone should watch i have it on VHS :D

Took the kids (age 5.5 and 2.5) to my local Vue cinema's "mini mornings" showing (£1.99 a ticket) yesterday, as it was raining and Mrs Cheesyboy was working.

I'd heard it had been, well, panned (narf) in the press, but I thought it was a passable kids/family film. Hook's goodie character in this was a bit hard to relate to his later baddie self that we're more familiar with, though.

Let's say 5/10
Watched a couple of movies of my flight to the states.

American Ultra. Entertaining enough, nothing special, same funny kills. 6/10
Hangover 3. Second viewing of this, was pretty terrible, made me laugh maybe twice at most. 4/10
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