The Big Lebowski, for the umpteenth time. It is brilliant. Jeff Bridges and John Goodman are just so good in it. Some of Jeff Bridges' facial expressions are hilarious. It's one of the funniest films I know of.
Star wars the force awakens
What the hell was that???! So badly acted. That's it for me. No more in the future. I'm done.
The Big Lebowski, for the umpteenth time. It is brilliant. Jeff Bridges and John Goodman are just so good in it. Some of Jeff Bridges' facial expressions are hilarious. It's one of the funniest films I know of.
And I actually managed to sleep last night.Three young conspiracy theorists attempt to uncover the mysteries of Area 51, the government's secret location rumored to have hosted encounters with alien beings. What they find at this hidden facility exposes unimaginable secrets.
Star wars the force awakens
What the hell was that???! So badly acted. That's it for me. No more in the future. I'm done.
Room 9/10
Very powerful, heart rending stuff. The two leads in it are fantastic, especially the kid.
Strange things begin to happen when a group of friends gather for a dinner party on an evening when a comet is passing overhead.