What film did you watch last night?

Kingsman - 6/10

Part Bond spoof, part Eastenders. And frankly I hate Eastenders.

Some real cringe-worthy scenes mean I have to mark it down. The amount of cliches was also (intentionally?) through the roof.

As is common with many blockbuster films these days, there was no originality on display at all. Formulaic stuff from start to finish.
The Revenant (6/10)

Similar to some other posters I found this movie slow. The bear scene was fantastic but after the initial setup of putting Glass into his situation (isolated and injured) I found the remainder of the movie laboured. The climax was non climatic.

Leo did a great job though!

Room (5/10)

A great set up and a real tear jerker. As a parent I really emphasised with the premise. After the change of direction half way though, I started to get bored. I lost interest in the situation.
I watched 12 Angry Men on Netflix last night - for the first time! :eek:

Tightly directed and an overall excellent film, even today.

A superb film indeed.

The Martian - 6/10

I didn't find it that engrossing like others did or the acting all that extraordinary either to be honest. It was a reasonable enough watch once it got going in the second half though.

The Hateful Eight 4/10

Pulp Fiction was ground breaking - it's a shame this wasn't anywhere close in any respect. Tarantino's format didn't feel arty or clever this time round, instead it felt like an excuse to put the "N" word in a Western. It didn't shock and it didn't fit. Samuel L Jackson and Jennifer Jason Leigh tried their best to elevate the script beyond mediocrity but no one else stood out and poor old Tim Roth and others looked badly out of place in this.
Young Detective Dee: Rise of a Sea Dragon 8.3/10

Great film - even tho its 2 1/2 hours long doesnt drag at all. Spectacular fight scenes (wires)
The Lobster - weird movie.

The first act is MUCH stronger than the second. I feel that the second act loses its way quite quickly and didn't care about the characters soon after that.

I'd give it 6/10.
I saw The Hateful 8 8.8/10

I really enjoyed it. Pretty much a typical Tarantino film from start to finish.
Nothing groundbreaking but i love his rich characters and how much dialogue there is. You can argue its the same formula, same set up every time but i think it works. His style is unique and its a nice to see it every couple of years in action. :p

The Martian - 6/10

I didn't find it that engrossing like others did or the acting all that extraordinary either to be honest. It was a reasonable enough watch once it got going in the second half though.

I gave it a 5 and was accused of not having a clue...:p

Seems our expectations of what makes a good sci-if movie are very similar...;)

Not including interstellar :p

Have you seen The Lobster Mr Blonde?
I watched Sex in the City 2. 2/10 My dearest chose the film last night, whilst she quite enjoyed it I took to sticking myself with pins to relieve the pain. A complete brainwash of a movie.
Yeah, it was awesome.

A "Pornographic, consumerist hate filled piece of propaganda" if memory serves :D

If it's that bad I fancy watching it just to see how bad it really is! Resisted the urge so far...
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