What film did you watch last night?

I don't think 3 is on the harsh side, it might be generous. The story was laughably poor, the action was a joke. It was close enough to a parody of a Bond film.

The opening instantly put me off the film, it was as ridiculously stupid as can be without being exciting at all. I mean it literally had a part where they just walked a bit while giving each other dirty looks. The rest of the film was boring as hell, interrogations where everyone just gives everything up, fights with barely any fighting, plot with next to no story, all painfully predictable.

It was like all the normal filler crap around the plot from any other Bond film stretched into a full film. Truly terrible film.

I largely agree with your thoughts but would rate it higher than 3. Maybe a 5. But yes, it was dull and clichéd and the plot...erm...was there a plot? (other than, him over there, he's bad; him over here, he's good).
I largely agree with your thoughts but would rate it higher than 3. Maybe a 5. But yes, it was dull and clichéd and the plot...erm...was there a plot? (other than, him over there, he's bad; him over here, he's good).

I think the reason I disliked it so much was, they played Spectre off as a massive conspiracy covering all the other films but didn't at all link them together at all. The way they did it they could arbitrarily take any 5 Bond films and say, hey, this guy was the guy above all of them. It is shockingly, embarrassingly lazy.

But aside from that, the helicopter bit... lets just do a barrel roll, and a loop, the fighting was embarrassing. Later in the film you have them literally turn up at a random station in the middle of nowhere and wait to be invited in. This genius mastermind who has a mole in MI6.... but doesn't think his watch might be a fancy device of some kind. Then the action is about 8 seconds of him walking out, shooting a few guys mostly without aiming and literally one shot takes out the whole thing. It is the most lazy piece of film making I think I've ever seen. It's not just bad action of bad attempts at explanations, it's mostly the complete absence of both.

The action was transformers level stupid(but very little really, the few action scenes are very short), the plot was transformers level stupid. Even the woman hating the assassin but 14 seconds later is desperate to **** him was badly explained compared to other bonds.

I honestly believe a 5 is way way too high for Spectre.

Just watched Bridge of Spies, a generally excellent film in comparison. Hanks as usual was good, and Abel (no idea of the actors name) was also excellent in it. 7 or 8 out of 10. It's not the best piece of film ever but I certainly had no major issues with it. Maybe the biggest problem it had was there was an awful lot to put in the film so they went through each stage pretty quickly without too much depth.
The best thing about spectre was that girl's ass in those trousers after they got off the train.

That is the literally the first thing that comes to mind when I think of it.
Two comedies for me, one with kids, one with wife-

Liar Liar - classic Jim Carrey funny faces and noises whilst being a lawyer incapable of lying for a day. 3/5

Ted 2 - not as original, obviously, as the first but a few good laughs. 3/5
Saw Creed last night. Would give it a 7/10. Stallone's performance in it was pretty good, Rocky's character comes across as quite believable. I still really like the old Rocky films, and whilst this in my opinion is as good as the first 4, it certainly beats Rocky 5. Haven't seen the 2006 Rocky so can't comment on that.
Sicario. 5 out of ten. Didn't care about any of the characters and was quite slow throughout. People at work said it was great I disagree. I think my standards may have got too high.
Burnt. Fictional chef tale loosely based off the back of Gordon Ramsays success and fame. Nothing interesting to see here even the cast look bored and nobody can blame them. Turgid. 2 out of ten
Shutter Island.

One of my favourite DiCaprio films, though I sometimes think that it might pay to check out the wiki for it as now and again I lose track of what's going on. :D

Edit : turns out I was on the right path. Great film. :)
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The man from nowhere. 9.5 out of ten is probably The highest rated movie for me. I went on the imdb boards and there's hundreds of people also hating on sicario for many reasons so I'm not alone.
The Big Short at Odeon screen unseen last night. Solid performances all round and best use of the 4th wall I've seen in a long time. Steve Carell was the stand out for me.
A great movie you need to have your brain switched on to follow 8/10
Watched 2 films this weekend.

The Revenant
Camera work was superb and Leo's performance was something else. This man is the real MVP. Slow moving in most places but well worth those bits as well. The bear scene :eek:
9/10, and that was watching it from the front row of Showcase cinema!

Bridge of Spies
Based on a true story, was quite enjoyable and interesting. Tom Hanks played the part well I felt.
Sicario. 5 out of ten. Didn't care about any of the characters and was quite slow throughout. People at work said it was great I disagree. I think my standards may have got too high.

I don't rate it either, Del Toro was OK (as always) but found Emily Blunt's lead highly annoying (unlike in her other movies), ultimately just another cartel movie, with predictable, badly paced and average plot full of graphic novel one sided characters (most are a-holes too) no viewer is going to get attached enough to, to care. It's a decent DVD bargain bin find, Tuesday night Film 4 movie, but 5/10 is fair and there was a reason it tanked in box office.
Sicario. 5 out of ten. Didn't care about any of the characters and was quite slow throughout. People at work said it was great I disagree. I think my standards may have got too high.

I don't rate it either, Del Toro was OK (as always) but found Emily Blunt's lead highly annoying (unlike in her other movies), ultimately just another cartel movie, with predictable, badly paced and average plot full of graphic novel one sided characters (most are a-holes too) no viewer is going to get attached enough to, to care. It's a decent DVD bargain bin find, Tuesday night Film 4 movie, but 5/10 is fair and there was a reason it tanked in box office.

Glad it's not just me then :)
Legend. Not bad, but not gritty enough for me and Hardy just plays Ronnie way OTT. Like a caricature. The voice is hilarious though. Like a cross between Alan Partridge and Catherine Tates nana. 6/10 for me.
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