What film did you watch last night?

Deadpool - 9/10 probably the most faithful comic book adaptation I have ever seen. Ryan Reynolds absolutely nails it. They totally smash it out the park!!

Pride & Prejudice & Zombies - 8/10. Surprisingly very enjoyable. Pretty decent effects and the production wasn't half bad. Good watch for fans of this genre.
Mad Max: Fury Road

It looked fantastic, the soundtrack is probably the best I've ever heard on Blu-ray and the time flew by yet I don't know if I absolutely loved it or hated it.
Star Wars

After seeing episode VII back when it came out, I thought it was about time to finally watch them all again. Having not seen the original trilogy since back when I was younger on video. I picked up the blu Rays of all of them.

Obviously I skipped episode 1 because it..... Do I really need to justify myself?

Even episode 2 & 3 are a little painful. Why did they make Anakin such a whiny little *****?

My god do the blu Rays of the original trilogy look amazing? Now I think about it it's probably the first "older" film I've ever watched remastered. I'm amazed. Other than the occasionally poor probs it could pass for a fairly recent film IMO.

Literally in the middle of watching empire now. These films really are something special.
Enron : The Smartest Guys in the Room (2005) 8/10

I generally enjoy these type of documentaries and this was no different.

I already knew the backstory to this, but the flow and the breakdown of the 'whos', the 'whys' and the 'whens' was brilliant.
DeadPool - 9/10

Massive fan of the comic and the film is absolutely spot on, Reynolds was born for this role. Its funny that the two Marvel films(this and GOTG) that i thought would be the fillers between the 'big' movies, Avengers, Cap etc, are actually better than them and entertained me more!
The Equalizer - 7/10

Denzel is always strong. Solid action film.

Predestination - 7/10

The acting was top notch. The story was pretty cool, though there are numerous questinable moments...
My god do the blu Rays of the original trilogy look amazing? Now I think about it it's probably the first "older" film I've ever watched remastered. I'm amazed. Other than the occasionally poor probs it could pass for a fairly recent film IMO.

Are the Blu-rays of the theatrical release or the god-awful special editions Lucas released later with cruddy CGI insertions? Or, to put it another way, does Han Solo shoot first?
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