What film did you watch last night?

Paranormal Activity - too slow and the punchline, when it came, wasn't strong enough. Put the s***s up the wife though. 4/10

Hanabal Rising. Did nothing for me and I went to bed before it ended. 3/10.
Jacob's Ladder 9/10

Saw this at the cinema when it first came out in 91. Has been in my top 5 favourite films, probably number 2, ever since. Got it on Bluray today and have to say the picture isn't that great but the film is still excellent.
The Fourth Kind

What an absolute and utter pile of steaming **** which isn't even a film but a simple money making project. A bland and uninteresting story is constantly being propped up by unnecessary shaky and comic style camera work along with music being used to artificially increase tension in boring scenes. Forty minutes in I was just sitting in my chair, fidgeting and hoping for this all to end. However, if you would like to learn just how to make money out of hopeless scripts then look this up. 3/10
Little Otik - A very good Czech fairytale/horror movie, 8/10. Caught it on film4 and would definatly recommened it if you like your strange horror movies. :) Like me

Picked it up for a mate this Christmas as a bit of a joke as it looked like your typical awesome brain numbing straight to dvd action flick hiding in the bargain bin.

Couldn't be anymore wrong, sat down to watch it not sure what to expect apart from my friend revealing no more than its not what I expected when I saw the box.

One of the best films I have ever seen, has several really outstanding scenes that are absolutely fantastic and has no real weak point throughout whole the film. Never thought I would say this about a Van Damme film but its an easy 9 (and a half) out of ten from me and well up there in my top films ever. Don't really want to write to much about it as I feel that films such as this can be easily spoiled, but needless to say go freaking see it!
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Worth watching for the first 5 minutes as the stunning Kate Beckinsale strips to her knickers and then bends over for the camera's, nice :D


Rest of the film is utter tripe

Con air

I'm not really a fan of nicholas cage movies but this is one of the few decent ones he did. Ending was pretty good but they kinda over complicated the storyline for no reason (cyrus being hired whilst in jail to get out by some foreign lawyer firm = what lol)

overall - 7/10
Survival of the Dead. Bland, uninteresting. A milliom miles away from 'Day'. What's a zombie movie from Romero without Savini? Not a lot that's what.

The Objective. Turned off after ten mins, was looking a bit too much like Red Sands.

Santa Slays. Turned off after ten mins.

Cradle will Fall. Disturbing 'true' story about a mum who suffers a total metal breakdown after the birth of her latest child. While her Husband is away, she sets about 'taking care' of her loved ones.
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