What film did you watch last night?

Attack of the Clones.

I enjoyed it about as much as the first, though there did seem to be more cheesier moments in this one. Maybe a case of even more substance over style :

Quite early on in the film when Obi Wan caught Anakin's Lightsabre. :D
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From Dusk Till Dawn

Only just realised that Tarantino didn't direct this it was Robert Rodriguez. Tarantino wrote the screenplay. Still a decent vampire romp and of course the delicious Salma Hayek.
Independence Day

The gf had never seen it! The visuals haven't aged too badly and as far as action movies go it has it all. Peril, high paced scenes, goof ballery and cheese! Oh, so much cheese! MURICAAAAA!

6/10 - I almost had a fit when Will Smith punches the Alien "Welcome to Earth". Haha

Roll on number 2, out this year. No doubt it will be awful.
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El Desconocido. Poor old Pablo Sánchez is having a bad day. First he's stuck with legal fallout from a dodgy banking deal. Next he learns that his slutty wife is having an affair with some guy she met at some place. Finally he's informed that his car is packed with explosives, and the bomber will set them off unless Pablo pays a massive ransom by siphoning cash from his own customers' accounts.

Did I mention his kids are in the car with him? Because his kids are in the car with him. The son (Marco) is a dozy little scrote who wouldn't be missed by anyone, but the daughter (Sara) is intelligent and loyal to her father. Definitely a keeper!

Can Pablo beat the bomber and rescue his daughter, or will his wife have the last laugh? :eek:

Made on a budget of 17.5 million paellas, this is the most expensive film ever produced in Spain.

Point Break (2015)

Pretty terrible tbh.
Some good action sequences and visuals, but it's badly let down by a woeful script, lame characters and no charm.

I felt that it just rushes to get to the next set piece in the hope that you quickly forget about the lolworthy attempts at trying to sound deep spewed from whatever forgettable character in the previous scene.

Big fan of the original and wasn't expecting much from this, but even so, it was even worse than my low expectations were predicting.

Still, the action scenes are pretty good if you're not that bothered about the rest of it.

Oh, and Ray Winston... I have no idea what he was doing in this and I don't think he did either.
I swear he starts off by attempting an American accent and then just gives up and goes back to cockney geezer.
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The Martian

Excellent, thoroughly enjoyed the whole thing. The way they had him all emaciated at the end was very well done!

Hateful 8 - 8/10.

Kurt Russell was excellent, Walton Goggins was very good, but Tim Roth and Michael Madsen were poor characters :(

But Sam Jackson's 'dingus' speech - omg. Very graphic and for some reason has stuck with me - in a bad way :(

"and it was full of blood so it was warm. Oh, you bet your sweet a** it was warm, and Chester Charles Smithers sucked on that warm black dingus for as long as he could.” He pauses for a moment and ends with, “Starting to see pictures, ain’t you?”

As long as you know a Tarrantino movie is a lot about the dialogue, then you will not be disappointed. I think it's an hour and a half in before someone actually gets shot!
10 Cloverfield Lane.

Such an awesome cinema experience, well worth the watch!

Note: there's no extra scenes after the end credits..

What do you mean by blockbuster?

Because it was set on a very small "stage" it felt to me like it would have been good as a series rather than a big film. Maybe I've just been spoiled by Spectre, Star Wars and Deadpool recently, which were very "big" films. I still enjoyed it though.
Went to the cinema to see Deadpool, finally! 8/10 - was laughing the whole way through! :D

Tried to watch Mad Max but everyone was falling asleep so we turned it off.
Because it was set on a very small "stage" it felt to me like it would have been good as a series rather than a big film. Maybe I've just been spoiled by Spectre, Star Wars and Deadpool recently, which were very "big" films. I still enjoyed it though.


I was just curious as what people perceive to be Blockbusters.:)

My opinion is that Star Wars is and Deadpool isn't. Spectre...tricky..but if we follow kermode's Blockbusters Rules I guess its close.

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