What film did you watch last night?

The Revenant - Don't know where to begin (for all the right reasons!). Just blew me away - one of those films you don't want to end. Just disappointed I watched it while flying. Should have been a big screen experience.
The Revenant - Don't know where to begin (for all the right reasons!). Just blew me away - one of those films you don't want to end. Just disappointed I watched it while flying. Should have been a big screen experience.

Absolutely... It is a masterful piece of film making as far as I'm concerned... I'm gutted I have to wait until June 6th for the Blu Ray. Its one of those films that leaves something with you for a very long time afterwards... its beautiful; even at its most hideous, it has immense beauty.
Saw Eye in the Sky, rickmans last film before his death. Pretty good film about the legal and moral decisions to be made for drone pilots on a strike in Kenya. Pretty gripping throughout though Helen mirren is very much NOT a colonel in a military organisation. I'm going to be sexist here and say that part would have been much better played by a man. 7/10

And the Huntsmen....meh....5/10, nothing more to say except....Emily Browning...
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Picked two good movies to watch today.

MoneyBall - 7/10 Another good sports movie based on a true story. Even though I only know the very basics about baseball, it still was a gripping movie. Brad Pitt played his role really well.

Maleficent - 7/10 I really enjoyed this take on the Sleeping beauty story. I wouldn't have watched it only that it came out on Netflix because I thought it was going to be rubbish.
Villmark. A Norwegian camera crew led by an eccentric director enters the villmark on an obscure but potentially lucrative assignment. They are warned to avoid a mysterious pond, but Lasse (Kristoffer Joner) and Per (Marko Iversen Kanic) stumble onto it and make a chilling discovery.

Tension rises as the villmark becomes even more threatening by night. Someone or something is stalking the team, but the nature of the threat remains unclear. Is the villmark resisting human intrusion via the manifestation of their darkest fears, or has the director himself turned against them? He clearly he knows more about the villmark than he's prepared to admit.

Beware of the villmark! :eek:

Look Who's Back

The premise sounds goofy - a German film in which Adolf Hitler reappears in 2014 and becomes a hit on YouTube - but this is actually a very clever film. It's often laugh out loud funny but also deeply menacing. Much of the footage is real reaction shots of the lead guy dressed as Hitler talking to people and they're frankly frightening. Of course, it's not a documentary and the clips chosen were chosen to make their point but after a barrel of laughs through the early sections you begin to feel a real sense of horror at what is going on. The pacing is a bit weak in places, it should probably have been shorter and the end section is weak before it picks up at the very end. The final clips are, perhaps, a bit heavy handed in making their point but I think the film needed that after it spent much of its time walking an uncomfortable line.

Absolutely worth a watch: 8.5/10
Candy 2000

I have fondness for bad movies. This is not a "so bad it's good" movie; it's just bad. The central plot follows a guy trying to get a replacement for his sex bot which is inexplicable not waterproof (despite this being the central plot there is no actual nudity or sex in the film) which leads him to follow a nonsensical adventure through a post-apocalytic-esque USA with a hot red head "tracker" who eventually falls in love who the lead character despite him being a creepy loser. Many nonsensical things happen on the way. The film actually acts like creepy loser's quest to get his sexbot back is romantic and not at all creepy.

One to avoid: 2/10
I think I said it before when I first watched the movie...

The daughter is SMOKING!

All about the mum for me.. ;)

I was actually amused at how many gratuitous cleavage shots there were in the film. It's almost as if they knew they had a stinker on their hands and just tried to appeal to the viewer (mainly males) in any way they could :o
The Gift (2015)

Not sure how I missed this film. An absolute cracker of a thriller with loads of twists and turns in the story from all 3 main characters. Suspenseful and eerie with a corking ending. Highly recommended! 8/10.
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