I enjoyed the film overall, but I found it to be quite erratic in it's pace and disjointed. Scenes/sections of the film just ended abruptly, with no recourse or revisit.
Part of me thinks it was done intentionally, to show the break from the old life to the new. Like not seeing Scarlet Johanssen again after the trip to Miami etc. However, I felt like it wasn't handled particularly well on screen.
There's also a couple of really bad edits in some of the scenes, one that jumped out was his 2nd in command lighting a smoke in the bar scene. He must have lit that thing 3 times as the camera changed angle lol.
Those minor things aside however, it was engaging and able to deliver smiles and chuckles in a couple of places. Totally inoffensive, and a nice change of pace from the usual thriller/sci-fi/action/adventure stuff we usually watch.