What film did you watch last night?

Los Cronocrímenes. A middle aged man moves into his new house and discovers an illegal time machine on the property next door. What could possibly go wrong?

I generally don't do superhero films but after watching Avengers Assemble on the beeb a few weeks back, I've watched the first 2 Captain America films and Age of Ultron over the last few days. All silly nonsense that kept me entertained but I wouldn't be caught dead in the cinema watching anything like this... :p
The Water Diviner 6.5/10

It was ok, some of the war scenes were well done and there was some emotional scenes acted out really well. But the whole thing just didn't work for me, it was disjointed or something. I was actually disappointed because I was expecting this to be a classic movie.


It's funny, i guess. Just... i don't know. Maybe it's just not my type of funny, it was also over-hyped.

Also, i can't stand Ryan Reynolds.
Captain America Civil War - solid movie for me. Much better movie than AoU. Good effects, well thought out and great surprise cameos.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

I'm not a massive Star Wars fan. I've seen the originals a few times and think they are pretty good, but I don;t go mad over them like some. I really enjoyed this. Thought it was very good, and a good fresh start as it were. 8/10

PS. My God, Luke looks identical to Oliver Reed in Gladiator!
I really enjoyed the fact that the bad guy wasn't the focus....

Of course there is one...But I found the interplay with the characters and the internal struggles far more engaging than simply good Vs Bad.

I agree with this. Saw 'Civil War' last night and loved it. Would agree with the others that give it a 9/10.

Loved Spiderman and Antman. I'm quite a Paul Rudd fan, so liked the humour injected by these two.
Avengers 3 Captain America: Civil War 8/10
Thought I wouldn't enjoy the whole Avenger v Avenger thing, but as Easyrider says, there's more to this than just a simple goodies v baddies story and a couple of twists keep it engaging to the end.
10 Cloverfield Lane

I thought the first 90% was excellent. John Goodman was fantastic, very scary and creepy. The other two played their parts well. There were some quite tense moments and a few shocks.

The last few minutes though...
The alien bit
...pulled me right out of the movie. It wasn't needed at all and...
seemed to be there only to create a link with the original Cloverfield. I think it would have been better if it ended once she left the bunker.
I'll give it a 7/10.
Been watching some stuff with Mrs Cheesyboy, so very girl-friendly films (starting with Bridesmaids earlier in the week):

We're the Millers - Thought it would be terrible, it was actually really quite funny. 7/10

The Duff - thought it might be interesting, it was actually very ordinary. 5/10
X-men days of future past

Had no idea what it was before the watch. Never really been a fan of the x-men, beyond thinking the first film was alright, and first class was neat when I initially saw it at the cinema.

On reflection first class seemed to have little substance to it, so future past was off the radar as something to see. Feared the worse with the opening scenes in the future thinking, here goes 2hrs of CGI tat... but no pleasantly surprised it worked for me. Timelines and continuity mean nothing to me, not being all in on the series, that could taint you're view if you are. I'd say better than first class, because for the most part that's just a feel good 'getting the band back together' film, future past takes the same atheistic in the time period setting and ad's a backstory with the same kind of villainous element.

Certainly better than average.
Avengers 3 Captain America: Civil War 8/10
Thought I wouldn't enjoy the whole Avenger v Avenger thing, but as Easyrider says, there's more to this than just a simple goodies v baddies story and a couple of twists keep it engaging to the end.

Saw this last night, I'd give it a 7/10.

Enjoyable but there simply is no risk to the main characters (until whatever the Infinity War films will be called!)

I'd definitely watch it again when it comes out on Bluray.

Would have improved it by cutting out the fluff without Cap in it as of course it was a Cap film... at times.
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