What film did you watch last night?

In the Name of the King (director's cut)

"Jason Statham has never made a bad movie", I said.

Imagine the scene for a moment, Lord of the Rings has just smashed it in the box office and on the desk of a film exec lands a new script for a fantasy movie. It's kind of horribly lame and derivative. No worries, says the exec, we'll just cast our socks off and everything will be fine. It's the only way Name of the King makes any sense. The cast is literally the best thing about the movie. It's clearly big budget but it's a cheap knock-off of every grand fantasy made ever with barely an original idea to rub together. Swap 'Orcs' for 'Krug' who move like they've stumbled off the set of a 60s Planet of the Apes movie, add in some tit-windowed elves swing from improbable vines and some weirdly mixed fight choreography which mixes traditional Western fantasy style combat with odd moments in which someone who had clearly watched at least two Wuxia movies decided that they needed some of that. It's not truly terrible, and I do have a soft spot for swords and sorcery but it's by no measure a good film.

Utterly mediocre: 5/10
Captain America - Civil War
Entertaining and I thought the time flew by, also good to breakaway from the Assemble Formula and most of all happy to see the webslinger hit the mark in action sequences, funny and effectively used in this film as was Ant Man.

The Jungle Book

Both myself and my 6yo daughter loved this movie. Loved everything about his from the amazing cgi to the voice acting (Bill Murry being the stand out) to the little kid who has a bright future in front of him.

A solid 9/10!
Star Wars: The Force Awakens. It was ok, ide give it a solid 6.5 out 10, shame about Carrie Fisher tho, she looked so odd she was down right distracting at times, way too much botox & fillers.
April 9th
8/10. A really engrossing foreign language war film.

Good shout man, watched this just now. 8/10 also, fascinating story. Love seeing some different takes on the war from the usual Western front.

Available on Amazon Prime for anyone who wants to watch it.
I don't like superhero films usually and I didn't think the humour would be down my street because I'm not American, but Deadpool was pretty good actually. RR plays him perfectly. 8/10
The Jungle Book

Both myself and my 6yo daughter loved this movie. Loved everything about his from the amazing cgi to the voice acting (Bill Murry being the stand out) to the little kid who has a bright future in front of him.

A solid 9/10!

I'm seeing it next week! Does this version still have the 4 vultures who does that Beatles sketch?
Captain America: civil war - 8.5/10

Another stand out marvel film. Decent screen time for all the different heroes and as said above great use of the new Spiderman and ant-man. Certainly better than age of ultron, and a decent example of what a multi character superhero film should be (unlike dawn of justice)
Captain America: Civil War (2016) - 8/10

Good, entertaining fun.
Suffers from too many heroes and is slow to start, but it keeps the right balance of light hearted action and emotional stakes of the franchise.
This is mostly thanks to the characters, their individual reasons for being involved, and their well-suited actors.
Top notch special effects and exciting scenes abound, but the story seems repetitive to the previous instalments at times.
The Book Thief

Intriguing film, pretty depressing start to finish though really. Would recommend but not if you're already feeling down.

Just got back from Civil War.

Firstly, the new Cineworld in Whitely is amazing. I recommend that cinema to all instead of going to Vue (choad seating) or Reel (screens as big as the average home HDTV...). Huge screens, really nice place and the standard seats have plenty of legroom to boot.

Film was really good too. Beats the usual superhero riff raff being released.

The trailer to the new Rogue One Star Wars film was epic too.
Captain America: Civil War

Loved it! Not a fan of character of Captain America but this is more of an Avengers 2.5. Decent story, didn't get bored at any point and Spidey was excellent.

I'll give it an 8/10
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